Environmental effects of Hasangazi (Pülümür-Tunceli) Chromite Mine

Toksoy Köksal, Fatma
Öztüfekçi-önal, Ayten
Akarsu-akyol, E.


Investigation of in-vitro digestive behavior of beef and poultry which are tenderized by enzymatic and acidic marination
Baştürk, Bilge; Öztop, Halil Mecit; Özvural, Emin Burçin; Department of Food Engineering (2021-9-09)
Meat contains valuable nutrients, exceptionally high-quality proteins that include all essential amino acids and vitamins and minerals for the human diet. Meat is mostly tenderized to make it more tasteful and palatable. The effects of tenderization on the physical, chemical, and microbiological changes in meat have been investigated in many studies. In this study, acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid solutions, and a commercial meat tenderization solution were used to tenderize the red and white meat (bee...
Chiral seperations by enzyme enhanced ultrafiltration : fractionation ofracemic benzoin
Ölçeroğlu, Ayşe Hande; Yılmaz, Levent; Department of Chemical Engineering (2006)
In this study, a methodology for separation of chiral molecules, by using enhanced ultrafiltration system was developed. Benzoin was the model chiral molecule studied. In the scope of developing this methodology, some parameters were investigated in the preliminary ultrafiltration experiments in order to set the operation conditions for enhanced ultrafiltration experiments. Due to the slight solubility of benzoin in pure water, 15% (v/v) Polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) and 30 % (v/v) Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)...
An Experimental study of mechanical properties of non enzymatically glycated bovine femur cortical bone
Fındıkoğlu, Gülin; Evis, Zafer; Department of Engineering Sciences (2012)
The aim of this study is to investigate the deterioration in mechanical integrity of the collagen network in bovine bone with aging, which are related to fracture toughness. Age-related changes in collagen molecular structures formed by non-enzymatic glycation were examined and indentation fracture technique was used as a method for measuring the microstructural toughness of cortical bone. Microcrack propagation characteristics of bone for fragility were also studied. Young and old group of bovine cortical ...
Enzimatik yöntemlerle biyoaktif maddelerin enansiyoseçici sentezleri
Demir, Sıtkı Ayhan; Tanyeli, Cihangir(1995)
a,P- Doymamış enonlar Mangan (III) asetat ile okside edilerek $\alpha$ '-asetoksi enonlar % 70-87 verimle elde edilmişlerdir. Bu enonlar daha sonra LiOH ile hidroliz edilerek rasemik oc'-hidroksi türevlerine % 68-80 verimle çevrilmişlerdir. $\alpha$'-Asetoksi enonlar aynı zamanda hidrolaz tipi enzimler olan Pseudomonas Lipaz 30 ve PLE ile seçici olarak hidrolize edilmiştir . PLE ile yapılan hidrolizlerde verim Pseudomonas Lipaz 30 ile yapılana göre daha yüksek olduğu gözlenmiştir( optik verim %88-96 kimyasa...
Enzimatik Olmayan Yolla Glikolize Olan İnek Kemik Dokusunun Mekanik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Evis, Zafer(2010-12-31)
Bu projede, laboratuvarımızda yapılması planlanan kimyasal ve mekaniksel yöntemler aşağıdaki gibidir. Cansız inek femur kemiğinin korteksinden deney için uygun ebatta materyallerin elde edilmesi. Kemiğin kimyasal yolla yaşlandırılması: RİBOZİLASYON: kemik örnekleri Hank's buffer içinde çözündürülmüş riboz içinde bekletilecektir. Çözelti içinde bekletilirken bakteriyel kontaminasyonu engellemek üzere ilave kimyasal çözeltilerin eklenmesi. (ε- amino kaproic asid, benzamidin, N-ethly maleimid, HEPES, hank...
Citation Formats
F. Toksoy Köksal, A. Öztüfekçi-önal, and E. Akarsu-akyol, “Environmental effects of Hasangazi (Pülümür-Tunceli) Chromite Mine,” 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/73969.