Key to Academic Success: Predictors of Cognitive Self-Regulation in Children Under Care

Güneş, Seren
Memişoğlu Sanlı, Aybegüm
Erel Gözağaç, Sema


Critical success factors in enterprise resource planning implementation: case studies of Turkish companies which use Oracle ERP software
Orhan, Berfu; Şen, Tayyar; Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies (2006)
In this thesis success and failure of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations through case studies of three Turkish organizations based on Critical Success Factors (CSFs) is investigated. The main purpose of this thesis is to reveal success and failure stories according to the effects of CSFs in ERP implementations. The case studies are composed of three Turkish organizations from different sectors. The data is gathered through active observations, analysis of project documents and interviews con...
Critical success factors for build operate transfer (BOT) projects: lessons learned from airport projects
Kashef, Mohammad; Dikmen Toker, İrem; Birgönül, Mustafa Talat; Department of Civil Engineering (2011)
BOT model is widely used in developing countries to facilitate the construction of immediately needed infrastructure projects with both technical and financial risks being borne by the private sector. BOT model differs from traditional ones because of its financial structure and operation service that is included in the concession. The aim of this research is to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) for BOT projects by examining real BOT projects, mainly airport projects. In this research, a detailed...
Critical Success Factors of Partnering in the Building Design Process
Doğan, Sevgi Zeynep ; Kılıç Çalğıcı, Pınar ; Arditi, David ; Günaydın, Hüsnü Murat (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2015-12-15)
Etkin olamayan ortaklıklar bina projelerinin yönetiminde, tasarım tekrarlarına ve pahalı değişikliklere sebep olmaktadır. Ortaklığın etkileri, bina projesinin yapım evresi bağlamında etraflıca tartışılmaktadır; ancak tasarım evresi için çok nadir ele alınmaktadır. Bina tasarım sürecinin çokdisiplinli ve işbirlikçi yapısı göz önüne alındığında tasarım evresindeki ortaklığın uygulanabilirliğini, faydasını ve niteliğini inceleyen sistematik ve derin araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışma, bina tasarım s...
Key Experiences in Becoming an Independent Mathematics Education Researcher
Haser, Çiğdem (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-03-01)
The key experiences in becoming an independent mathematics education researcher were investigated through interviews with eight doctoral students with academic job intentions at a Turkish university. Findings showed that doctoral students conceptualized a mathematics education researcher with several types of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, including research methods, mathematics, critical thinking, and being ethical and patient. They felt like a researcher when they collected and analyzed data at a resea...
Critical Factors of Social Physique Anxiety: Exercising and Body Image Satisfaction
Atalay, Ayse Altan; Gençöz, Tülin (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2008-01-01)
This study aimed to examine the critical roles of exercising and body image satisfaction on social physique anxiety (SPA) among female university students. For this aim, 118 female university students, 58 of whom exercised regularly, participated in the study. The Social Physique Anxiety Scale, Eating Attitudes Test, and Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale were administered to the participants; their dieting habits were also investigated. Results revealed that approximately half of the participants used at least...
Citation Formats
S. Güneş, A. Memişoğlu Sanlı, and S. Erel Gözağaç, Key to Academic Success: Predictors of Cognitive Self-Regulation in Children Under Care. 2020, p. 347.