Implemetaiton of a forth system.

Dokuzoğlu, M Zafer


Imprimitive symmetric association schemes of classes 5 and 6 arising from ternary non-weakly regular bent functions
Özbudak, Ferruh; Pelen, Rumi Melih (2022-04-01)
Let F be a ternary non-weakly regular bent function in GMMF class whose dual F* is bent. We prove that if F satisfies certain conditions, then collecting the pre-image sets of the dual function F* with respect to the subsets B+(F) and B_(F) forms an imprimitive symmetric translation scheme of class 5 (resp. 6) if the dimension is odd (resp. even). Hence, we construct two infinite families of imprimitive symmetric association schemes. Moreover, fusing the first or last three non-trivial relations, we obtain ...
Impulsive Expressions in Stochastic Simulation Algorithms
Altintan, Derya; Purutçuoğlu Gazi, Vilda; Uğur, Ömür (2018-02-01)
Jumps can be seen in many natural processes. Classical deterministic modeling approach explains the dynamical behavior of such systems by using impulsive differential equations. This modeling strategy assumes that the dynamical behavior of the whole system is deterministic, continuous, and it adds jumps to the state vector at certain times. Although deterministic approach is satisfactory in many cases, it is a well-known fact that stochasticity or uncertainty has crucial importance for dynamical behavior of...
Implemenation of an autonomous photovoltaic based DC supply with motor generator backup
Özcan, Levent Sinan; Ermiş, Muammer; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1993)
Impulsive Boundary Value Problems for Planar Hamiltonian Systems
Kayar, Zeynep; Zafer, Ağacık (2013-01-01)
We give an existence and uniqueness theorem for solutions of inhomogeneous impulsive boundary value problem (BVP) for planar Hamiltonian systems. Green's function that is needed for representing the solutions is obtained and its properties are listed. The uniqueness of solutions is connected to a Lyapunov type inequality for the corresponding homogeneous BVP.
Adjoints of operator ideals.
Yurdakul, Murat Hayrettin; Department of Mathematics (1976)
Citation Formats
M. Z. Dokuzoğlu, “Implemetaiton of a forth system.,” Middle East Technical University, 1985.