Comparison of maximum runup through analytical and numerical approaches for different fault parameters estimates

Wronna, Martın
Baptısta, Marıa Ana
Kanoğlu, Utku
Mıranda, Jorge Mıguel
The one-dimensional analytical runup theory in combination with near shore synthetic waveforms is a promising tool for tsunami rapid early warning systems. Its application in realistic cases with complex bathymetry and initial wave condition from inverse modelling have shown that maximum runup values can be estimated reasonably well. In this study we generate a simplistic bathymetry domains which resemble realistic near-shore features. We investigate the accuracy of the analytical runup formulae to the variation of fault source parameters and near-shore bathymetric features. To do this we systematically vary the fault plane parameters to compute the initial tsunami wave condition. Subsequently, we use the initial conditions to run the numerical tsunami model using coupled system of four nested grids and compare the results to the analytical estimates. Variation of the dip angle of the fault plane showed that analytical estimates have less than 10% difference for angles 5-45 degrees in a simple bathymetric domain. These results shows that the use of analytical formulae for fast run up estimates constitutes a very promising approach in a simple bathymetric domain and might be implemented in Hazard Mapping and Early Warning.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, (11 - 15 Aralık 2017)


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Citation Formats
M. Wronna, M. A. Baptısta, U. Kanoğlu, and J. M. Mıranda, “Comparison of maximum runup through analytical and numerical approaches for different fault parameters estimates,” presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, (11 - 15 Aralık 2017), New Orleans, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: