The impact of information provision on the social acceptance of shale gas development

Kanoğlu, Dilge
Soytaş, Uğur
2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science (2019)


The impact of information provision on the social acceptance of shale gas development
Kânoğlu, Dilge Güldehen; Soytaş, Uğur; Yılmaz, Ayşen; Department of Earth System Science (2018)
Social acceptance is critical to the market penetration of new products and technolo-gies as well as the successful implementation of policies, including those concerning energy demand. The hydraulic fracturing technique employed in the development of shale gas has been followed by controversy and this has resulted in the emergence of heterogeneity in attitudes towards the process. This thesis proposes a model for understanding the acceptance of shale gas development. The proposed model encom-passes the fac...
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Social acceptance is critical to the market penetration of new products and technologies as well as the successful implementation of policies, including those concerning energy demand. The hydraulic fracturing technique employed in the development of shale gas has been followed by controversy and this has resulted in the emergence of heterogeneity in attitudes toward the process. This review-based perspective surveys selected contributions of psychology to the literature on social acceptance. While not comp...
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Işık Güler, Hale; Kaçar, Işıl Günseli (2008-02-24)
Citation Formats
D. Kanoğlu and U. Soytaş, “The impact of information provision on the social acceptance of shale gas development,” presented at the 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science (2019), Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: