Bir yorumlayıcı fenomenolojik analiz: İnfertilitede anlam yaratma süreçlerini anlamak

Şimşek Alphan, Yeliz
Bozo Özen, Özlem


A structural equation modeling study : the metacognition-knowledge model for geometry
Aydın, Utkun; Ubuz, Behiye; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2007)
The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to examine the effects of knowledge on cognition and regulation of cognition on declarative knowledge, conditional knowledge, and procedural knowledge in geometry and (2) to examine the interrelationships among declarative knowledge, conditional knowledge, and procedural knowledge in geometry. The reciprocal relationships between metacognitive and knowledge factors were modeled by using data from tenth grade secondary school students. Structural equation modeling wa...
A structural equation modeling study : factors affecting science achievement based on OBBS-2002 across grade levels and school types
Kalender, İlker; Berberoğlu, Halil Giray; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2004)
In this study, factors that affect students' science achievement were modeled based on the data which was obtained from Study for Determination of Student Achievement ا 2002 (Ogrenci Basarisinin Belirlenmesi Calismasi ا OBBS). First, using principle components analysis tecnique, dimensions of the student questionnaires and science achievement tests were found out. Using these dimensions for student questionnaires, latent variables socioeconomic status, student-centered activities, teacher-centered activitie...
A structural equation modeling study : factors related to mathematics and geometry achievement across grade levels
Gökçe, Semirhan; Berbeoğlu, Halil Giray; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2005)
The factors related to mathematics and geometry achievement were modeled in this study. It was based on the data obtained from the Student Assessment Program carried out by Ministry of National Education. Mathematics achievement tests and student questionnaires of each grade were analyzed by using principal component analysis to obtain different dimensions that are expected to be related with student achievement. Before the principal component analysis, a content based evaluation of the content of the mathe...
Compliments and compliment responses in Turkish and American English: a contrastive pragmatics study of a facebook corpus
Dörtkulak, Funda; Işık Güler, Hale; Department of English Language Teaching (2017)
This corpus-driven study aims at analyzing Turkish and American interactants’ monolingual compliment exchanges in Facebook photo comments to reveal cross-cultural and gender-based tendencies. For this purpose, a corpus of 2000 compliment exchanges were compiled evenly from the four target groups (TF, TM, AEF, AEM). The analyses were based on the classification of compliment responses and structural, topical and functional patterns of compliments in Nvivo 11 and intercultural and gender-based intracultural c...
Bir Otoetnografik Anlatı: Stüdyo Ortamında Kamera Kullanımı ve Bedenleşme
Gürtekin, Betül; Kaygan, Harun (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi; 2018)
Fenomenoloji felsefi bir yaklaşım olarak insan bedeninin ve zihninin birbirinden ayrı anlaşılamayacağını, üstelik insanın, yaşadığı çevre ve dünyayla ilişkisinin de bütünsel olarak yorumlanması gerektiğini söyler. Fenomenolojik yaklaşım, bu doğrultuda tasarım disiplinleri açısından kullanıcıların ürünle olan öznel deneyimlerini tarif etmeye yarayan bir teorik arka plan sağlayabilir. Tasarım alanyazınında, fenomenolojik yaklaşım ve bu yaklaşımda temellenen “yaşam dünyası” (Husserl), “el altında olma” (Heideg...
Citation Formats
Y. Şimşek Alphan and Ö. Bozo Özen, “Bir yorumlayıcı fenomenolojik analiz: İnfertilitede anlam yaratma süreçlerini anlamak,” 2018, vol. 0, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: