Internationalization through Mobility: METU Case

As a result of globalization, educational systems become more and more internationalized through mobility programs. Universities have to continuously update their systems and increase the effectiveness of their services to benefit more from these international development opportunities. Besides, the knowledge era requires international skills from the university graduates and this force the universities to give importance to internationalization policies more than before. This paper presents the results of a research study conducted at Middle East Technical University (METU). The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of the international mobility programs from the perspective of students and faculty through questionnaires. Total Quality Management approach was used as the main guiding principle in the design of the study. To measure the satisfaction levels and areas that need further development, three different data collection instruments were developed and used. Data were obtained from outgoing and incoming exchange students, and their academic departments. 358 outgoing METU students and 171 incoming students participated in the study. In addition to this, 26 academic departments of METU provided feedback about the impact of these mobility programs. The findings of the study indicate that overall, the stakeholders were satisfied with the services provided by the university and made some suggestions about how they could be improved.
International Higher Education Congress , Turkey (2011)


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Citation Formats
A. Daloğlu and B. Bulut Şahin, “Internationalization through Mobility: METU Case,” presented at the International Higher Education Congress , Turkey (2011), Turkey, 2011, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: