Bir Çağdaşlaşma Öyküsü: Cumhuriyet Devriminin Büyük Eseri Atatürk Orman Çiftliği



Exposing a void by filling it: witnessing as a mode of claiming political visibility and the case of vote and beyond volunteers
Karaca, Gamze; Yıldırım, Erdoğan; Department of Sociology (2017)
Election observation and monitoring, which has begun to take effect and spread worldwide since the beginning of the 20th century, gained relevance in Turkey after 2014, with the mobilization of civil citizens organized under the domestic civil society organization Vote and Beyond. Existing literature on election observation and monitoring usually discuss the rapid spread of the practice with reference to the changes in the international normative environment or focus on the impact of it on public opinion, b...
Bir Zihniyet Pratiği olarak Gözetleme MERNİS ten E Devlete
Topak, Özgün Erdener; Topal, Çağatay (null; 2009-12-09)
Bir Şehircilik Problemi: Değişen İklimde Termal Konforu Sağlamak
Peker, Ender (2021-01-01)
Transformation of an urban “vector”
Tekin, Tuğba; Cengizkan, Ali; Department of Architecture (2008)
The urban transformation of the city of Ankara as a planned and constructed city with “stable configurations,” “definitive forms,” “limits” and “boundaries” in scope of modernization project of the country, is under the influence of new space-time understanding with “hybridizations,” “proximities,” “frictions,” “overlaps” and “superpositions” in neo-liberal era. This thesis presents the rapid transformation of Eskisehir Highway which is the “development corridor” of the city of Ankara. Eskisehir Highway is ...
Bir Kesişim Kümesi olarak Milli-Muhafazakârlığın Üç Değili: Aleviler, Ermeniler ve Kürtler
Zırh, Besim Can (İletişim Yayınları, 2020-01-01)
Citation Formats
H. Ç. Keskinok, Bir Çağdaşlaşma Öyküsü: Cumhuriyet Devriminin Büyük Eseri Atatürk Orman Çiftliği. 2007.