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Optimum Properties of Seismic Isolation Systems in Highway Bridges to Minimize Isolator Displacements or Substructure Forces
Dicleli, Murat
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In this study, closed form equations as functions of the isolator, bridge and ground motion properties are formulated to calculate the optimum characteristic strength, Qd and post-elastic stiffness, kd, of the isolator to minimize the maximum isolator displacement (MID) and force (MIF) for seismic isolated bridges (SIBs). For this purpose, first, sensitivity analyses are conducted to identify the bridge, isolator and ground motion parameters that affect the optimum values of Qd and kd. Next, for the identified parameters, nonlinear time history analyses of typical SIBs are conducted to determine the optimum values of Qd and kd for a wide range of values of the parameters. Next, nonlinear regression analyses of the available data are conducted to obtain closed form equations for the optimum values of Qd and kd to minimize the MID and MIF. The equations are then simplified for various site soil conditions. It is observed that the optimum Qd and kd are highly dependent on the site soil condition. However, the effect of the bridge substructure stiffness on the optimum Qd and kd and the effect of the structural or supplemental damping on the optimum kd are found to be negligible. Furthermore, the optimum Qd is found to be a linear function of the peak ground acceleration.
Subject Keywords
Seismic isolation
Site soil
Conference Name
16th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures
Department of Engineering Sciences, Conference / Seminar
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Citation Formats
M. Dicleli, “Optimum Properties of Seismic Isolation Systems in Highway Bridges to Minimize Isolator Displacements or Substructure Forces,” presented at the 16th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: