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Use of information and communication technology by in-service english teachers for self-directed professional development
Cosgun, Gamze Erdem
Savaş, Perihan
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The present study investigated 184 in-service English teachers’ use of information and communication tech-nology (ICT), especially the Internet, for their self-directed professional development (SDPD). Data were col-lected via an online questionnaire that consisted of demographic information, Likert type items and open-ended questions. The participants of the study were teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at primary, sec-ondary, high school, and university levels in Turkey. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively through SPSS, while qualitative data were transcribed and analyzed through a six-step coding process. The findings indicate that teachers benefited from ICT resources for overall professional development, practices at the class-room level, and collaboration with colleagues. Results also show that there were both promoting and inhibiting factors affecting teachers’ use of ICT resources. Participants also offered suggestions to both teachers and ad-ministrators to make more effective use of ICT resources for teacher professional development.
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching
Department of Foreign Language Education, Article
In-service english teachers’ use of information and communication technology for self-directed professional development
Erdem, Gamze; Savaş, Perihan; Department of English Language Teaching (2017)
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Citation Formats
G. E. Cosgun and P. Savaş, “Use of information and communication technology by in-service english teachers for self-directed professional development,”
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching
, pp. 230–249, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: