Embodied Affective Experience in Saba Mahmood’s Politics of Piety: Reformulating Agency for an Inclusive Transnational Feminism



Critical participatory action research: A design to empower women in a teacher education institution
Sadık, Olgun (2019-06-01)
This paper discusses historical and meta-theoretical aspects of action research by defining what action research (AR), participatory action research (PAR) and critical participatory action (CPAR) mean in detail and explains a CPAR project idea in a teacher education institution. Action research was categorized under different names; however, all those different approaches represent the same foundations with different purposes. In action research, a group of people work with a researcher(s) to identify a pro...
Questioning agency and empowerment: Women's work-related strategies and social class in urban Turkey
Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut (2010-11-01)
This article investigates different trajectories of agency and empowerment in diverse "work-related strategies" employed by women of different social classes in Istanbul, Turkey. I define "work-related strategies" as actions developed to cope with the difficulties related to working or not working, employed by women both in and out of the labor force. Based on in-depth interviews I conducted with 60 women from working, middle, and upper classes, both within and outside the labor force in Istanbul, Turkey, I...
Textual readings of architecture: orienting semiosphere /
Eşingen, Günce; Savaş Sargın, Ayşen; Department of Architecture (2014)
Architectural discourse has been affected by the paradigmatic shift in linguistics that has been cultivated since 1960s. The so-called “linguistic paradigm” in architecture has been playing a significant role in the constitution of architectural discourse and motivating architects to realize new strategies for the production of architectural form, not to say style. This thesis is an inquiry into the disciplinary formation of architecture with its relation to culture at large, where architecture is located i...
Intersecting Identities: Context and Change in the Case of Mardinian Arabs
Küçük, Murat; Hoşgör, Hatice Ayşe; Yeğen, Mesut; Department of Sociology (2012)
Identity have come to fore in daily life, political life and social sciences in recent years. Debates on the ways how identity can be studied and conceptualized have been varying. There needs to make critical studies on multicultural Mardin using current theoretical possibilities. The reason of why Mardin is selected as the case of this study is that the significant role of identity in people living in Mardin as a multi-religious and multi-ethnic site. However, because of that "difference" which is expresse...
Advanced democracy: shifts and challenges in the debate on ”Europe”
Alpan, Başak Zeynep (Routledge, 2017-01-01)
This comprehensive edited volume conceptually develops the notion of 'de-Europeanisation' as an important development in the literature on Europeanisation, and applies it specifically to the case of Turkey. 'De-Europeanisation' is defined as the loss or weakening of the EU/Europe as a normative/political context and as a reference point in domestic settings and national public debates of both candidate and member countries. 'De-Europeanisation' manifests itself in two basic ways: as the weakening of the app...
Citation Formats
F. İbrahimhakkıoğlu, “Embodied Affective Experience in Saba Mahmood’s Politics of Piety: Reformulating Agency for an Inclusive Transnational Feminism,” APA Newsletter on Feminism Philosophy, pp. 0–0, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/80202.