Perakende Sektöründeki Değişim Dönüşüm Mekansal Etkileri ve Planlama



Modeling and predicting customer purchase behavior in the grocery retail industry
Peker, Serhat; Koçyiğit, Altan; Department of Information Systems (2017)
In today’s business, grocery retail industry companies operate in highly competitive environment. Such an intense competition have compelled companies to develop close and long-term relationships with their customers by implementing more targeted marketing strategies and personalized services. To implement such customized services, modelling and predicting customer purchase behaviors are essential. Accordingly, this thesis mainly aims to model and predict the customers’ purchasing behavior in the grocery re...
Analyzing cost structure in logistics sector : a sytem dynamics approach
Kuzucu, Ayşegül; Sayın, Erol; Department of Industrial Engineering (2005)
In today's conditions, systems that surround individuals have evolved in structure such that, nature of variable interactions are much more complex and changing continuously. Logistics systems, which constitute an example for such systems, have also necessitated fast management and decision-making in a fast paced environment, under limited sources with the additional effect of increasing customer requirements and competition. In this study, system dynamics approach was shown to be a competent alternative to...
Tekstil sektöründe Avrupa Birliği IPPC direktifi ile uyum çalışmaları: BAT uygulamaları
Yenigün, Abdullah; Yetiş, Ülkü; Kitis, Mehmet; Kerestecioğlu, Merih; Dilek, B. Filiz; İlhan, Rıfat Ahmet; Gördük, Yavuz; Şahin, Ersin Murat; Sanalan, Teoman; Yılmaz, Levent; Demirer, Göksel; Aslan, Veysel; Tok, Ece(2008)
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de bir tekstil işletmesi için IPPC (Entegre Kirlilik Önleme ve Kontrolü) Direktifi kapsamında "Mevcut En İyi Teknikler"in ilk uygulaması ve değerlendirmesidir. IPPC Direktifi'nin hayata geçirilmesinde rehber olacak bir "en iyi uygulama örneği" tekstil sektörü için geliştirilmiş ve bu kapsamda işletme için "Mevcut En İyi Teknik" ihtiyaçları belirlenmiştir. Sürdürülebilir hammadde ve atık yönetimi için, ilk olarak, üretim süreçlerinin BREF ("Mevcut En İyi Tek...
Improvements in energy and water consumption performances of a textile mill after bat applications
Kocabaş, Ayşe Merve; Yetiş, Ülkü; Department of Environmental Engineering (2008)
European Union’s Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive forms a comprehensive framework for industries mentioned in the Annex 1 of the Directive concentrating on the reduction of the environmental impacts of the industrial activities which can be implemented by the BREF Documents that provide guidelines for each sector. Among those industries, textile is a water and energy intensive one. In the present study, gains in terms of energy and water consumptions were assessed in a denim prod...
Tekstil Sektörüne Yönelik H12MDI ve IPDI Bazlı Solventsiz Poliüretan Dispersiyonu Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
Kılıç, Cihan; Esentürk, Okan; Hacıvelioğlu, Ferda (null; 2018-09-09)
Citation Formats
A. B. Büyükcivelek, “Perakende Sektöründeki Değişim Dönüşüm Mekansal Etkileri ve Planlama,” 2013, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: