Irakta bir kutsal alan: Derik



Irak’ın işgali senaryolar ve eleştiriler
Göçer Akder, Derya (2003-01-01)
Value assessment for industrial heritage in Zonguldak
Kılınç, Ayşem; Özgönül, Nimet; Restoration in Department of Architecture (2009)
The aim of this thesis is to develop a value assessment method for industrial heritage in Zonguldak, one of the symbolic industrial cities in Turkey where mining has been the leading force since the discovery of hard coal in the mid-19th century. Values to decide what to conserve and why are searched during this process under the light of discussions on industrial heritage and values of the architectural conservation. Focusing on this aim, this study is structured in four parts as the survey on industrializ...
Paris te Büyük Projeler
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (2000-09-01)
Karsta Ulusötesi Ve Yerel Ötesi Kültürel Üretime İlişkin Yerel Algılar.
Strasser, Sabıne(2010-12-31)
Paris te bir Mimarlık Sergisi Frank O Gehry Avrupa Projeleri
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (1991-01-01)
Citation Formats
N. Şahin Güçhan, Irakta bir kutsal alan: Derik. 2017, p. 452.