Irak’ın işgali senaryolar ve eleştiriler



Problems of democratizaton in Armenia (1991-2019)
Kıyak, Figen; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık; Department of Eurasian Studies (2019)
This thesis analyses problems of democratization in post-Soviet Armenia. In this context, I will examine the progresses and problems of the Republic of Armenia within the framework of democratization from declaration of independence to current day. The democratization steps are evaluated within the scope of economy and corruption, civil society, media, foreign and domestic politics, electoral processes and the rule of law. This is done through a historical analysis of the rule of each president since indepe...
The three phases of Kurdish mobilisation in Iraq: politicization, institutionalization and constitutionalization 1946-2012
Sinantorunu, Betül; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of Middle East Studies (2013)
This thesis purposes to analyze the three-phased process of Kurdish mobilisation in Iraq since 1946: politicization, institutionalization, and constitutionalization. Transformation to constitutionalization is suggested to have strengthened the mobilisation by altering Kurdish groups’ relations with Baghdad and external powers from dependency to interdependency. Fragmentated or unified nature of Kurdish groups will be deemed as another significant determinant of vulnerability or strength. First chapter deals...
Irak Büyükelçiliği -İsviçre Büyükelçiliği
Zelef, Mustafa Haluk (Mimarlar Odası Yayınları, 2017-01-01)
A Clausewitzian reading of Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war
Al, Nazife; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of International Relations (2017)
This thesis aims to analyse Russian intervention in the Syria civil war by taking into account Clausewitzian approach to war and strategy theories. In this context, the thesis focuses on two dimensions of the case in terms of its relevance to Clausewitzian approach. After giving a review of Clausewitzian dictum of war and strategy by an assessment of his Trinitarian approach to war, transformation of Russian strategic thinking in 2000s and Russian Federation's view of international system is being assessed ...
Meksika’da tarım politikaları ve kırsal mücadele dinamikleri
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2014-8)
Bu çalışma Meksika’da köylülüğün ve küçük üreticiliğin topraktan koparılma sürecini incelemeyi amaçlıyor. Çalışma, 1910 Devrimi’nden itibaren uygulanan tarımsal ve kırsal kalkınma politikalarına ilişkin bir dönemleme yaparken aynı zamanda bu politikaların çiftçi ve köylü mücadele dinamikleri üzerine etkilerini tartışıyor. Bugün kırsal bölgelerde yaşayan hane halkları göçmen havaleleri ve devletin nakit yardımları gibi dışarıdan gelecek gelir kaynaklarına bağımlı hale getirilirken, bu iki kaynağın yerini alm...
Citation Formats
D. Göçer Akder, “Irak’ın işgali senaryolar ve eleştiriler,” Birikim, pp. 73–81, 2003, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: