Gamma ray initiated copolymerization of maleic anhydride with acrylamide and with trioxane in binary systems.

Nugay, Turgut


Gamma Ray Attenuation in Soil
Özeş, Ferhan; Yeşin, Tülay; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1989)
Gamma-ray spectroscopy and multipolarity measurements of the proton-rich nucleus ⁹ₑRu
Aktaş, Özge; Yılmaz, Osman; Ataç Nyberg, Ayşe; Department of Physics (2013)
Hydrogenated nano/micro-cystalline silicon (nc-/c-Si:H) thin films are the key materials for Si-based thin film solar cell technology. These films have attracted great attention due to their applications in thin film solar cells. Silicon phase transition from amorphous to nano/micro-crystalline phase is an important phenomenon, especially in progress of Si thin film tandem structured solar cells. It is well-accepted fact that the development of deposition phase diagrams allows phase engineering for systema...
Gamma radiation sensitivity of listeria monocytogenes
Gürsel, Belkıs; Gürakan, Candan; Department of Food Engineering (1996)
Gamma spectrometric measurement of Cs137 radioactivity deposited in soil and calculation of the external exposure rate arising therefrom
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gamma*N -> N* (1520) transition form factors in light cone QCD sum rules
Alıyev, Tahmasıb; Savcı, Mustafa (2014-11-25)
The gamma*N -> N* (1520) reaction is studied in the framework of the light cone QCD sum rules method. The sum rules for the multipole form factors, namely, for the magnetic dipole G(M)(Q(2)), electric quadrupole G(E)(Q(2)), and Coulomb quadrupole G(C)(Q(2)) [i.e., form factors responsible for the gamma*N -> N* (1520) transition] are derived. Using these sum rules, the helicity amplitudes are presented as combinations of these multipole form factors, and their Q(2) dependences are studied. We compare our res...
Citation Formats
T. Nugay, “Gamma ray initiated copolymerization of maleic anhydride with acrylamide and with trioxane in binary systems.,” Middle East Technical University, 1984.