Comparative Perspective on Financial System in the EU Country Report on Turkey



Comparative analysis of domestic security issues of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the Post-Soviet Era
Turgut, Arzu; Akçalı, Pınar; Department of European Studies (2013)
This thesis examines the main domestic security issues of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and the impact of their securitization processes on the domestic and regional security policies of these countries in the post-Soviet era. Two outstanding issues that have been securitized in these countries, separatism and ethnic conflict for Kazakhstan and radical Islam for Uzbekistan, are scrutinized in detail with a comparative analysis. This thesis argues that Kazakh and Uzbek leaders, Nursultan Nazarbayev and Islam Kar...
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Urkun Bowe, İlknur; Ersoy, Melih; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2008)
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Comparative study of secondary schools in Turkey, example of imam-hatip schools
Coşkun, Mustafa Kemal; Akşit, Bahattin; Department of Sociology (1999)
Comparative study of factors affecting public acceptance of mining projects: Evidence from USA, China and Turkey
Que, Sisi; Awuah-Offei, Kwame; Demirel, Ayhan; Wang, Liang; Demirel, Nuray; Chen, Yao (Elsevier BV, 2019-11-10)
Discrete choice theory has been shown to be a viable way to study individual preferences for resource development. However, only a limited amount of literature assesses the effect of culture, socio-economic, historical, and regulatory factors on the classification of factors that are important to individual preferences for resource development used in designing valid discrete choice experiments. This work seeks to assess differences in the levels of importance among the determinants of public acceptance of ...
Comparative Analysis of Immigrant Perception of Solidarity and Diversity in Berlin
Şen, Mustafa (2007-02-25)
Citation Formats
A. Topal Yılmaz et al., “Comparative Perspective on Financial System in the EU Country Report on Turkey,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: