The Cybernetic relevance of architecture: an essay on Gordon Pask's evolving discourse on architecture

Gordon Pask, as one of the leading figures in the field of cybernetics, had an extensive impact on architecture through his lifelong connections with architectural circles in the UK and the USA from the early 1960s until his death in 1996. He is mostly known to architects by his collaboration with Cedric Price on a number of occasions; however, his affiliation with architecture include several other instances that involved designing architectural projects, teaching in architectural schools, writing on architectural issues and more. This paper aims to review these instances to scrutinize how his discourse on architecture unfolded in time by addressing his evolving understanding concerning the relationship between architecture and cybernetics. In doing so, the paper examines key aspects of his own work in relation to key instances of his relationship with architecture
38th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe: eCAADe Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the Cognitive Age (2020)


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Doubling: “italy, the new domestic landscape” as a historical project
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Italian architectural historian and critic, Manfredo Tafuri, with his seminal book Theories and History of Architecture, issued in 1968, started a new era in the architectural discourse. With his eminent theorization of “architecture as the critique of ideology,” Tafuri had shifted the critique of architecture to a political and Marxist level and this revolutionary understanding had absolute impacts on the institutionalization of the American critical discourse after 1968. This study is a historical critici...
Citation Formats
E. Temizel, “The Cybernetic relevance of architecture: an essay on Gordon Pask’s evolving discourse on architecture,” Berlin, Germany, 2020, vol. 1, p. 471, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: