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Okul öncesi çocuklar ve şiddet: Tanık ve kurban olma düzeyleri
Çetinkaya Yıldız, Evrim
Sümer, Zeynep
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Children’s chronic exposure to violence negatively affects their social development even though the level of violence is low. In the available literature, implementing prevention programs at early ages is suggested due to being more effective and economic. Nevertheless, most of the violence prevention programs target adolescents. Therefore, in this study, violence exposure levels of 62 children (3-6 ages) are examined through Violence Exposure Scale (VEX-Violence Exposure Scale; Fox and Leavitt, 1995). The adapted version of VEX is administered through individual interviews. The results indicated that at all settings (home, school, and neighborhood) preschool children exposed to mild violence more than severe violence and almost all of the reported severe violence incidents occurred in the neighborhood setting
Subject Keywords
Violence exposure
Preschool children
Şiddete maruz kalma
Okul öncesi çocuklar
e-İlköğretim Online (elektronik)
Department of Educational Sciences, Article
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Citation Formats
E. Çetinkaya Yıldız and Z. Sümer, “Okul öncesi çocuklar ve şiddet: Tanık ve kurban olma düzeyleri,”
e-İlköğretim Online (elektronik)
, pp. 630–642, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: