Şiddete Tanıklık Etmiş Çocukların Sosyal ve Dil Gelişimleri ile Ebeveynlerine Yönelik Müdahale Programı Koza Projesi



Şiddete Taniklik Etmiş Çocuklarin Sosyal ve Dil Gelişimleri Ile Ebeveynlerine Yönelik Müdahale Programi: Koza Projesi
Memişoğlu Sanlı, Aybegum; Ertekin, Zeynep; Taşfiliz, Duygu (2015-05-15)
Şiddete tanıklık etmiş çocukların sosyal ve dil gelişimleriile ebeveynlerine yönelik müdahale programı kozaprojesi
Memişoğlu Sanlı, Aybegüm; Taşfiliz, Duygu (2015-07-01)
Ulkemizde siddete maruz kalan kadinlar ve beraberindeki cocuklari icin belediye ve sivil toplum kuruluslari ile Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanligina bagli kadin konukevlerinde barinma hizmeti sunulmaktadir. Kadin konukevinde kalmakta olan, cogunlukla dusuk sosyo-ekonomik duzeyden gelen ve siddete taniklik eden cocuklara yonelik bilgimiz dahilinde, ulke capinda uygulanan bir mudahale programi bulunmamaktadir. Bu programda cocuklarin sosyal ve dil gelisimleri ile annelerin ebeveynlik becerilerinin desteklen...
Stalking as a new form of violence: its relationship with ambivalent sexism, honor endorsement and gender-based violence attitudes
Başar, Demet; Sakallı Uğurlu, Nuray.; Department of Psychology (2019)
As a relatively new concept in the literature, stalking can be described as an unwanted and repeated behavior directed toward a specific individual. Stalking has not been studied in social psychological perspective in Turkish sample. The aim of this thesis is to examine attitudes towards different forms of stalking (which can be classified into three forms: ex-partner stalking, acquaintance stalking and stranger stalking) in Turkey where can be accepted a sexist and honor endorsing culture; and to explore t...
The effect of violence management training on violent behaviors and anger control of secondary school students
Yorgun, Aldulvahap; Sümer, Zeynep; Department of Educational Sciences (2007)
The purpose of the present study is to design and investigate the effect of Violence Management Training on violent behaviors and anger control of secondary school students. An experimental design with one training and notreatment control group and two measurements (pre and post) was used in the present study. The subjects were selected from 95 ninth and tenth grade secondary students from a multi-programmed lycee in Çamlıdere region of Ankara. The Violent Behaviors Checklist (VBC) and Anger Control Subscal...
Urban spaces re-defined in daily prectices : the case of "minibar", Ankara
Altay, Deniz; Sargın, Güven Arif; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2004)
This study, preconceives space as a social phenomenon, and emphasizes the fact that the urban space cannot be separated from its inhabitants. Accordingly, it suggests that the investigation of both the city and its inhabitants is crucial with respect to everyday life and practice. Hence, the study questions how inhabitants create their spaces following their needs and demands, and how the urban space is re-defined and re-produced through appropriation. Moreover, the study aims to understand how the inhabita...
Citation Formats
A. Memişoğlu Sanlı and D. Tasfiliz, “Şiddete Tanıklık Etmiş Çocukların Sosyal ve Dil Gelişimleri ile Ebeveynlerine Yönelik Müdahale Programı Koza Projesi,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://www.sbfdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr/article/view/5000127625.