Symmetrical TM mode coupling for cascaded cylindrical wave guides

Balcı, Mehmet


Symmetric Surface Momentum and Centripetal Force for a Particle on a Curved Surface
Shikakhwa, M. S. (IOP Publishing, 2018-09-01)
The Hermitian surface momentum operator for a particle confined to a 2D curved surface spanned by orthogonal coordinates and embedded in 3D space is expressed as a symmetric expression in derivatives with respect to the surface coordinates and so is manifestly along the surface. This is an alternative form to the one reported in the literature and usually named geometric momentum, which has a term proportional to the mean curvature along the direction normal to the surface, and so "apparently" not along the...
Symmetrical and decoupled nickel microgyroscope on insulating substrate
Alper, Se; Akın, Tayfun (Elsevier BV, 2004-09-21)
This paper presents a symmetrical and decoupled surface micromachined gyroscope fabricated by electroforming thick nickel on a glass substrate. The symmetric structure allows matched resonant frequencies for the drive and sense vibration modes for improved sensitivity, while the decoupled drive and sense oscillation modes prevents unstable operation due to mechanical coupling, resulting in a low zero-rate output drift. The use of a glass substrate instead of a silicon substrate reduces noise due to the para...
Linear optical deterministic and reconfigurable SWAP gate
Bozkurt, Alkim B.; Kocaman, Serdar (2021-09-01)
We propose a deterministic SWAP gate for dual-rail-encoded single photon qubits. The gate is constructed from waveguide crossings, Mach-Zehnder interferometers and phase shifters which provide the gate reconfigurability. Through manipulating the phase of the phase shifters, we can apply either the SWAP or identity gates. As an essential element of nearest neighbor qubit networks, the SWAP gate has a simple structure and presents minimal overhead. Providing an efficient solution to the geometric restrictions...
Cyclic behavior of unidirectional and cross-ply titanium matrix composites
Neu, R.W.; Çöker, Demirkan; Nicholas, T. (1996-01-01)
Relatively simple and efficient micromechanical models are used to obtain the uniaxial response of SCS-6/Timetal 21S with [0](4) and [0/90](s) laminates when subjected to isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) loadings. Features of the modeling that are required to obtain the accurate deformation behavior for this class of materials under these loadings are highlighted. To this end, a comparison is made between the concentric cylinder model and the uniaxial stress model for representing the [0] lamin...
Confined dirac propagation for hybrid chiral bag model and neutron-proton mass difference
Karagöz, Nurettin; Pak, Namık Kemal; Department of Physics (1989)
Citation Formats
M. Balcı, “Symmetrical TM mode coupling for cascaded cylindrical wave guides,” Middle East Technical University, 1988.