Mimarlığı Israrla Siyaseten Okumak: Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi’ne Atfen

Mimarlar Odası Bülten_Dosya


Mimarlığın Kimlik Sorunsalında Farklı Birliktelik İlişkileri Üzerine Bir Okuma
Kömez Dağlıoğlu, Esin (2007-05-20)
Autonomy of architecture: analysis of transformation of Bodrum built environment via design codes
Özhisar, Hatice Özgül; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2016)
The design codes of the physical plans have created a global tourism destination with exaggerated and deteriorated building stock in Bodrum under the neoliberal policies of Turkey. Bodrum that had traditional houses in 1970s has transformed into a commodity for tourism and construction industry. The study sets out to investigate the autonomy of architecture within the consumption age with reference to the housing types defined by the plan codes. The content of this study is to explore the design codes addre...
Exhibitions as the medium of architectural reproduction "modern architecture: international exhibition"
Tabibi, Baharak; Gür, Berin Fatma; Department of Architecture (2005)
This thesis studies the influential role of architectural exhibitions in shaping and directing architectural discourses. The study accepts architectural exhibitions and associated publications as the أcritical actؤ of architecture, in which (the work of) architecture is interpreted, reproduced and publicized. The main focus of this thesis is أModern Architecture: International Exhibition,ؤ held in 1932 at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). This particular exhibition is a significant historical event, which of...
Mimarlığın Metinsel Temsilinde Retorik İnşa: Usûl-i Mi’mârî-i Osmanî
Durmuş, Serap ; Öymen Gür, Şengül (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2017-6-15)
Bu çalışmanın odağını oluşturan metin, 1873 yılında Osmanlı yazarları tarafından Viyana Dünya Sergisi için hazırlanan ve Osmanlı mimarisinin tarih ve kuramı üzerine yazılmış ilk eser olan “Usûl-i Mimâri-i Osmânî”dir. Metin, “retorik” (belâgat/söz bilimi, söylem sanatı) üzerine yapılan kuramsal incelemelerden oluşturulan metodoloji çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Çalışma 1873’te yayımlanan Usûl-i Mimâri-i Osmânî’yi; Türk mimarisi üzerine ilk söylem geliştirme girişimi, dolayısıyla mimari kuram denemesi olarak de...
Re-thinking the limits of architecture through the avant-garde formations during the 1960s : projections and receptions in the context of Turkey
Savaşır, Gökçeçiçek; Cengizkan, Ali; Department of Architecture (2008)
An inquiry into the voyage of avant-garde within the domains of art and architecture makes it evident that avant-garde is ambiguous in meaning as a word, a term, a phenomenon and a concept. This study aims to decipher avant-garde and to offer a map for its conceptualization in architecture. Taken not as a monolithic statement but as a unitary concept incorporating a number of subjects and formations for granted, in this study, architectural avant-garde is conceptualized as diverse expressions of activated e...
Citation Formats
G. A. Sargın, “Mimarlığı Israrla Siyaseten Okumak: Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi’ne Atfen,” Mimarlar Odası Bülten_Dosya, pp. 0–0, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/84596.