Development Cooperation Forum



Development Practice: Is There a Need for Detailed Analysis?
Aydın, Zülküf (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2002)
This article attempts to analyse the encounters between anthropology and development by specifically looking at the peculiarities of both anthropology as a discipline and development practice through project work in the Third World. It intends to highlight the changes that have taken place within both disciplines and in the attitudes of each towards the other. It analyses how and why anthropology has gradually overcome its ethical relativism and its reluctance to participate in practical development work an...
Development practice: Is there a need for detailed analysis?
Aydın, Zülküf (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2002)
This article attempts to analyse the encounters between anthropology and development by specifically looking at the peculiarities of both anthropology as a discipline and development practice through project work in the Third World. It intends to highlight the changes that have taken place within both disciplines and in the attitudes of each towards the other. It analyses how and why anthropology has gradually overcome its ethical relativism and its reluctance to participate in practical development w...
Global health diplomacy
Karabektaş, Selcan; Tanrısever, Oktay Fırat; Department of International Relations (2018)
Contrary to the views of some scholars, who argue that global health has been argued to constitute a technical issue area, where interests of all countries converge. However, this thesis argues that states pursue sometimes cooperative sometimes conflictual health diplomacies at the national and global levels, since they have their own diverse self-interests regarding their health policies. In order to argue this, the thesis seeks to examine the characteristics and forms of global health diplomacy. The thesi...
Disaster-Related Statistics
Başbuğ Erkan, Berna Burçak (2021-06-07)
Development and conservation of cultural properties in rural areas of Eastern Blacksea region: a case study in Karacakaya Village
Demirel, Gül Devrim; Madran, Emre; Restoration in Department of Architecture (2010)
Eastern Blacksea region has substantial and regional sources with its natural, historic and traditional properties. Contrary to urban settlement, rural areas and settlements have formed in time due to interaction with nature, ethnic cultures and traditional living styles. The village settlements that subject this study have historical and cultural values with architectural buildings in regional character, formed natural tissue and local traditions. Mezras and Yaylas related with village settlements however,...
Citation Formats
Ş. O. Bahçecik, Development Cooperation Forum. 2015, p. 363.