Comparison Of Formulae For Shear Strength Of Unsaturated Soils

Zehtab, Kaveh Hassan
Toker, Nabi Kartal
Ahmadiadli, Mohammad
During last 60 years many research studies have been conducted on calculation of shear strength of unsaturated soils and effects of matric suction on it. Several formulae are developed for predicting shear strength of unsaturated soils, based on strength tests on unsaturated soils. A variety of experimental techniques and laboratory equipment are used for unsaturated shear strength characterization. This study discusses the accuracy of shear strength prediction for unsaturated soils with three different formulae. The predicted shear strengths of three different soils for a wide range of suction, using these formulae are compared. And finally the dependency of accuracy of the best formula among the three investigated formulae on the net normal stress is investigated.
3rd International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (28 - 30 Haziran 2012)


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Unsaturated soil mechanics provides theoretical basis to researchers and practitioners for the solution of various geotechnical engineering problems. The implementation of developed theories and experimental techniques into engineering practice is, however, questionable. The development of simple and rapid experimental procedures that are compatible with existing theoretical models could be beneficial in this regard. In this study, a complete framework of practical procedures for obtaining unsaturated...
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Citation Formats
K. H. Zehtab, N. K. Toker, and M. Ahmadiadli, “Comparison Of Formulae For Shear Strength Of Unsaturated Soils,” Lefkoşa, Kıbrıs, 2012, p. 795, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: