Kenanoğlu, Melih Birhan
Unsaturated soil mechanics provides theoretical basis to researchers and practitioners for the solution of various geotechnical engineering problems. The implementation of developed theories and experimental techniques into engineering practice is, however, questionable. The development of simple and rapid experimental procedures that are compatible with existing theoretical models could be beneficial in this regard. In this study, a complete framework of practical procedures for obtaining unsaturated soil properties was presented. An experimental campaign consisting of saturated isotropic and K0 consolidated drained triaxial tests and constant suction and constant water content unsaturated tests on a variety of soil types is accomplished in this study. Novel test setups were developed for soil water retention curve extraction and testing of unsaturated specimens. The experimental data is used to validate the effectiveness of developed practical procedures. The first recommended procedure concerns practical and rapid methods for adjusting the water content of test specimens. Another study presents a simple approach for the estimation of shear strength of unsaturated soils for which an experimental parameter that can be easily calibrated with the vi evaporation test is employed. The hydraulic conductivity function of unsaturated soils is estimated from a straightforward numerical algorithm developed for the solution of the 1-D seepage problem during soil water retention curve measurement with axis translation technique. Finally, simple and rapid UU and oedometer tests are performed on unsaturated soil samples. The results from these tests, together with soil water retention curve measurements, are processed to determine the Barcelona Basic Model parameters.


Determination of soil hydraulic properties using pedotransfer functions in a semi-arid basin, Turkey
TOMBUL, MUSTAFA; Akyürek, Sevda Zuhal; ŞORMAN, ALİ ÜNAL (2004-12-01)
Spatial and temporal variations in soil hydraulic properties such as soil moisture 0(h) and hydraulic conductivity K(theta) or K(h), may affect the performance of hydrological models. Moreover. the cost of determining soil hydraulic properties by field or laboratory methods makes alternative indirect methods desirable. In this paper, various pedotransfer functions (PTFs) arc used to estimate soil hydraulic properties for a small semi-arid basin (Kurukavak) in the north-west of Turkey. The field measurements...
Comparison Of Formulae For Shear Strength Of Unsaturated Soils
Zehtab, Kaveh Hassan; Toker, Nabi Kartal; Ahmadiadli, Mohammad (2012-06-30)
During last 60 years many research studies have been conducted on calculation of shear strength of unsaturated soils and effects of matric suction on it. Several formulae are developed for predicting shear strength of unsaturated soils, based on strength tests on unsaturated soils. A variety of experimental techniques and laboratory equipment are used for unsaturated shear strength characterization. This study discusses the accuracy of shear strength prediction for unsaturated soils with three different for...
Determination of critical submergence depth at horizontal intakes under asymmetric flow conditions
Göğüş, Mustafa; Köken, Mete; Haspolat, Emre (2015-07-03)
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the hydraulic conditions of air-entraining vortices under asymmetrical flow conditions and derive a general expression to determine the critical submergence depth required for the formation of these vortices at horizontal intake pipes. A series of experiments were conducted in a model composed of a concrete reservoir and intake pipe which was mounted horizontally to the reservoir. Three pipes of different diameters were tested with adjustable plexiglass sid...
Exponential Equation for Predicting Shear Strength Envelope of Unsaturated Soils
Ahmadi Naghadeh, Reza; Toker, Nabi Kartal (2019-07-01)
An exponential equation is introduced to predict the nonlinear variation of shear strength with matric suction for unsaturated soils. The proposed equation involves three constant parameters, two of which are effective shear strength parameters (i.e., phi ' and c '). The third parameter is the maximum capillary cohesion, c '' max, which is the maximum possible increase in shear strength due to matric suction. A procedure for the determination of c '' max from the soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) is de...
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