Tectonic setting of some Paleozoic metamorphics in northern Anatolia

In northern Anatolia along the Izmir-Ankara-Erzurum Suture, the low-grade metamorphics display strong protolithologic similarities. However, the classification of these metamorphics with respect to ' their prototithological stratigraphy, internal organization, age and boundary relations are still not clear due to limited number of metamorphic studies. Amasya region in NW Central Anatolia is selected and studied to shed some light onto the metamor-phic problem in northern Anatolia. TectonostratigraphicaUy, three distinctly different metamorphic rock assemblages are differentiated on the basis of their internal organizations and protolithologies, as bottom to top; 1) grayish-black schists with quartz boudins and veins, 2) green schists, 3) green schists with marble blocks and/or boudins. The lower unit is originally a clastic sequence, made of shales, sandstones, cherts and calcareous clas-tics. It is t.ectonically overlain by green schists protoliths of which are volcanic and carbonate rocks. The upper unit, composed of huge mar-ble blocks and/or lenses embedded within a volcanic sequence. The protoliths of greenschist facies metamorphics are interpreted as a magmatic arc-related basinal being metamorphosed by regional dynamothermal metamorphism during pre-Permian. These meta-morphics can protolithologically be correlated with Agvanis and Yenise-hir low-grade metamorphics which all are believed to be in Carboniferous age.
H.Ü. yerbilimleri


Middle-Late Triassic radiolarian cherts from the Arkotdag m lange in northern Turkey: implications for the life span of the northern Neotethyan branch
TEKİN, UĞUR KAĞAN; Göncüoğlu, Mehmet Cemal; Pandolfi, Luca; Marroni, Michele (2012-09-01)
Moderately to well-preserved, relatively diverse Middle and Late Triassic radiolarian assemblages have been obtained from the chert slide-blocks within the Late Cretaceous melange of the IntraPontide Suture Zone at the Pelitoren village to the NE of Kastamonu-Arac in northern Central Anatolia. In this locality, chert slide-blocks are tectonically overlain by metamorphic sole of the serpentinized peridotites belonging to the IntraPontide ophiolites. The oldest radiolarian assemblages, with the middle Late An...
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TOPRAK, V; Göncüoğlu, Mehmet Cemal (1993-12-01)
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Tectono-stratigraphy of the Cankiri Basin: Late Cretaceous to early Miocene evolution of the Neotethyan Suture Zone in Turkey
Kaymakcı, Nuretdin; White, Stanley H.; van Dijk, Paul M. (2009-01-01)
The Cankiri Basin straddles the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone which demarcates the former position of the northern branch of the Neotethys. It includes more than 3 km of pre-Middle Miocene in-fill related to late Cretaceous to pre-Middle Miocene evolution of the region. The basin has developed on the upper Cretaceous subduction complex and arc related basins of the Neotethys Ocean. The basin fill includes an upper Cretaceous forearc sequence overlain by Paleocene with a local unconformity. The upper Cre...
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Citation Formats
F. B. Rojay, “Tectonic setting of some Paleozoic metamorphics in northern Anatolia,” H.Ü. yerbilimleri, pp. 109–118, 1997, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/84933.