Bilgisayar Ekranından Şantiyeye



Bilgisayar kontrollu KAM (Softcam)
Anlağan, Ömer; Kılıç, Engin S.; Özgüven, Hasan Nevzat; Platin, Bülent Emre; Kırımlıoğlu, Savaş Sedat; Köksal, Ömer(1994)
Bu çalışmada, içten yanmalı motorlarda kullanılan pistonların etek kısmındaki ovaliteyi işleyecek bir sistem tasarlanmış ve geliştirilmiştir. Piezo-elektrik genleşici (PEG) ve kesme takımını bünyesinde taşıyan; standart bir torna tezgahının kalemliğine uyarlanabilen bir aparatın tasarımı ve imalatı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu aparata takılan piezo-elektrik genleşici, piezo-elektrik denetleyici (PED) tarafından kontrol edilir. Deney örneğini çeviren fener mili üzerindeki dönel çözümleyici, örnek parçanın dönel ...
Bilgisayar ile optimum direk dağıtımı
İnan, Kemal; Karatepe, Mübeccel(1972)
Effects of 7e learning cycle model accompanied with computer animations on understanding of diffusion and osmosis concepts
Bülbül, Yeter; Geban, Ömer; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2010)
The main purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of the instruction based on 7E learning cycle model accompanied with computer animations and traditionally designed biology instruction on 9th grade students’ understanding and achievement related to diffusion and osmosis concepts and their attitudes toward biology as a school subject. Quasi experimental design was used in this study. A total number of 66 ninth grade students from four intact classes of a biology course taught by the same biolog...
Bilgisayar Kullanımı
Kalınlı, Adem (Erciyes Üniversitesi, 2009-05-01)
A Dynamic software product line for remote monitoring of computer systems
Erdil, Gülşah; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Department of Computer Engineering (2019)
Remote Monitoring and Management systems are Information Technology (IT) software tools to organize and manage distributed client workstations from a central point. They are used by many large-scale technology companies that are willing to minimize their labor cost needed for running the IT infrastructure, collect and measure the data of clients within the organization, administrate them from a single point, in a reliable and secure way. Dynamic user profile deployment, dynamic reconfiguration of remote mon...
Citation Formats
A. Sorguç, “Bilgisayar Ekranından Şantiyeye,” Yapı Dergisi, pp. 154–160, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: