Teachers And Science Center Explainers’ Opinions Related To Teaching Sequence Developed For Magdeburg Hemispheres Exhibit

Kanlı, Uygar
Şentürk, Eray
Köseoğlu, Fitnat


Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Effective Physics Teacher Characteristics
Korur, Fikret; Eryılmaz, Ali (2012-12-01)
Problem Statement: What do teachers and students in Turkey perceive as the common characteristics of effective physics teachers?
Teachers as investigators of students’ written work: Does this approach provide an opportunity for professional development?
Baş Ader, Sinem; Didiş Kabar, Makbule Gözde; Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Çetinkaya, Bülent; Çakıroğlu, Erdinç; Alacacı, Cengiz (2013-02-06)
Middle East Technical University1 , Istanbul Medeniyet University2 The aim of the study was to examine how teachers’ investigation of students’ written works contributed to their professional development. The research was conducted at a public high school with the participation of six mathematics teachers and their students. The teachers have examined their students’ written works as products of their solutions for some modeling problems for 5-week period. The preliminary analyses showed that teachers’ coll...
Teachers’ Computer Self-Efficacy Scale: Development and Validation
ŞENDURUR, POLAT; Yıldırım, İbrahim Soner (2019-01-01)
The aim of the study is to develop a computer self-efficacy scale (CSES) to assess teachers’ computer self-efficacy beliefs in terms of technology integration. A valid and reliable instrument is a need for technology integration studies because computer self-efficacy has been shown as a generic variable in different technology adaptation studies. This scale provides with an alternative measurement for researchers through a major focus on technology integration related dimensions. 110 pre-service, and 115 i...
Teachers’ conceptions of STEM education
Ufuktepe, Esra; Güler, Fulden; Çakıroğlu, Jale (2017-08-25)
Teachers as reflective practitioners: CA-informed pedagogy in practicum
Balıkçı, Gözde; Seferoğlu, Gölge (2016-04-17)
Citation Formats
U. Kanlı, E. Şentürk, and F. Köseoğlu, “Teachers And Science Center Explainers’ Opinions Related To Teaching Sequence Developed For Magdeburg Hemispheres Exhibit,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://2017.ices-uebk.org/dosyalar/files/ices2017ozetkitabi_v1.pdf.