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Güler, Hasan Gökhan
Arikawa, Taro
Baykal, Cüneyt
Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet
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Performance of a rubble mound breakwater protecting Haydarpasa Port, Turkey, has been tested under tsunami attack by physical model tests conducted at Port and Airport Research Institute (Guler et al, 2015). It is aimed to understand dynamic force of the tsunami by conducting solitary wave tests (Arikawa, 2015). In this study, the main objective is to perform numerical modelling of solitary wave tests in order to verify accuracy of the CFD model IHFOAM, developed in OpenFOAM environment (Higuera et al, 2013), by comparing results of the numerical computations with the experimental results. IHFOAM is the numerical modelling tool which is based on VARANS equations with a k-ω SST turbulence model including realistic wave generation, and active wave absorption. Experiments are performed using a Froude scale of 1/30, measuring surface elevation and flow velocity at several locations in the wave channel, and wave pressure around the crown wall of the breakwater. Solitary wave tests with wave heights of H=7.5 cm and H=10 cm are selected which represent the results of the experiments. The first test (H=7.5 cm) is the case that resulted in no damage whereas the second case (H=10 cm) resulted in total damage due to the sliding of the crown wall. After comparison of the preliminary results of numerical simulations with experimental data for both cases, it is observed that solitary wave experiments could be accurately modeled using IHFOAM focusing water surface elevations, flow velocities, and wave pressures on the crown wall of the breakwater (Figure, result of sim. at t=29.6 sec). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors acknowledge developers of IHFOAM, further extend their acknowledgements for the partial supports from the research projects MarDiM, ASTARTE, RAPSODI, and TUBITAK 213M534.
Conference Name
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016
Department of Civil Engineering, Conference / Seminar
Numerical assessment of tsunami attack on a rubble mound breakwater using OpenFOAM (R)
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Citation Formats
H. G. Güler, T. Arikawa, C. Baykal, and A. C. Yalçıner, “NUMERICAL MODELLING OF SOLITARY WAVE EXPERIMENTS ON RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATERS,” presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: