Learning Environments Supported by Social Networking Platforms



Learning organization : through the development of an application tool
Şimşek, Fulya; Scheme, Robert; Department of Management (1998)
Learning strategies of students with different cpgnitive styles in a hypermedia environment
Yecan, Esra; Çağıltay, Kürşat; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2005)
The use of hypermedia for educational purposes gained a great deal of importance for educators. There are many opportunities provided to learners by these environments such as independence from time and place, availability and accessability of the course material, non-linear interaction that provides the learner to regulate his/ her own learning and so on. Although many advantages of hypermedia environment are suggested in the literature, there are also many studies concerning with learning in hypermedia en...
Learning communities in homework practices: an action research in an 8th grade efl classroom
Ayık Şora, Eslem; Engin Demir, Cennet; Department of Curriculum and Instruction (2020)
Homework has always been in dispute among the authorities of foreign language education as there are numerous opinions about the characteristics of homework practices in language classes. According to the most studies, homework is helpful for learning in foreign language classes, however; there are only a few studies in Turkey about homework models and their effects on students’ performance. This study is an action research that aimed to enhance the homework performance in 8th grade English classes by gener...
Öğrenme stratejileri teorik boyutları araştırma bulguları ve uygulama için ortaya koyduğu sonuçlar
Somuncuoğlu, Yeşim (1998-01-01)
Bu makalede, etkili öğrenme sürecinin işlevsel bir boyutu olarak görülen öğrenme stratejilerinin teorik temelleri ve bu konuda yapılan araştırmaların sonuçları incelenmiş, öğrenme stratejilerinin program geliştirme ve öğretim süreci yönünden ortaya koyduğu bazı önemli uygulama sonuçları tartışılmıştır.
Learning as a practical achievement An interactional perspective
Zemel, Alan; Çakır, Murat Perit; Zhou, Nan; Stahl, Gerry (2009-06-08)
Citation Formats
T. Gürbüz, “Learning Environments Supported by Social Networking Platforms,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/86253.