Dietary reconstruction from fossil bones by means of trace element analysis

Eissenstat, Çiğdem


Dietary pattern-induced greenhouse gas emission and water footprint estimations in Turkey
Başoğlu Acet, Deniz; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Department of Earth System Science (2017)
The recent studies in literature established a link between diets and several environmental impacts. As the environmental implications of commonly followed diets in Turkey have not been previously studied, the general aim of this study is to estimate the environmental impacts of the average dietary patterns in Turkey from 1960 to 2050 through quantification of water footprint and greenhouse gas emissions and to evaluate the health implications of those dietary patterns. With this exploratory study, all diet...
Food web effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in an outdoor freshwater mesocosm experiment
Jovanovic, Boris; Bezirci, Gizem; Cagan, Ali Serhan; Coppens, Jan; Levi, Eti E.; Oluz, Zehra; Tuncel, Eylul; DURAN, HATİCE; Beklioğlu, Meryem (2016-01-01)
Over the course of 78days, nine outdoor mesocosms, each with 1350L capacity, were situated on a pontoon platform in the middle of a lake and exposed to 0gL(-1) TiO2, 25gL(-1) TiO2 or 250gL(-1) TiO2 nanoparticles in the form of E171 TiO2 human food additive five times a week. Mesocosms were inoculated with sediment, phytoplankton, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, macrophytes and fish before exposure, ensuring a complete food web. Physicochemical parameters of the water, nutrient concentrations, and biomass o...
Nutritional and cultural parameters influencing antidipteran delta endotoxin production
ÖZKAN, MELEK; Dilek, Filiz Bengü; Yetiş, Ülkü; Özcengiz, Gülay (Elsevier BV, 2003-01-01)
In this study, various nutritional and cultural parameters influencing diptera-specific delta-endotoxin synthesis by Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis HD500 were investigated. Of various inorganic nitrogen sources, the highest yields of Cry11Aa and Cry4Ba proteins were obtained on (NH4)(2)HPO4. Among carbon sources, inulin, dextrin, maltose, lactose, sucrose, whey and glycerol were all stimulatory, while glucose, starch and molasses were suppressive. High concentrations of inorganic phosphate (50 to...
Dietary selenium- and vitamin E-induced alterations in some rabbit tissues
Turan, B; Zaloglu, N; Koc, E; Saran, Y; Akkas, N (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1997-09-01)
The present study was designed to investigate and compare the effects of dietary selenium (Se) and vitamin E on some physiological parameters and histological changes in liver, heart, and skin tissues, as well as the blood parameters and the related enzymes. Both sex young rabbits were fed with deficient (9.8 mu g/kg diet), adequate (225 mu g/kg diet), and rich (4.2 mg/kg diet) Se and vitamin E diets for 12-15 wk for this purpose As the plasma Se levels and the erythrocyte glutathione (GSH) peroxidase activ...
Food Web Structure and Community Composition of 13 Lakes and Ponds Across the Antarctic Peninsula
Özkan, Korhan; KochmanKedziorac, Natalia; SOLAK, CÜNEYD NADİR (2020-08-10)
Citation Formats
Ç. Eissenstat, “Dietary reconstruction from fossil bones by means of trace element analysis,” Middle East Technical University, 1994.