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Determination of origin destination matrix of METU campus travelers using RFİD data
Altıntaşı, Oruç
Tüydeş Yaman, Hediye
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For development of any campus transportation policies for Middle East Technical University (METU), it was necessary to analyze the current level of campus accessibility among the campus commuters. Existence of a sticker-based access policy for the private car users and automated Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) control at all three campus entry locations made it possible to study the origin or destination of the private car travelers at METU. However, determination of the origin-destination (O-D) matrix for the trips within the campus limits required additional information on the other end of the trips. For this purpose, license plate surveys in all the campus parking lots were performed concurrently and multiple times during the collection of gate RFID data. Processing of these two sources of data jointly resulted in the estimation of time-dependent O-D matrices, which had approximately 21047 private car trips a day. The sticker-holder type also enabled the determination of the O-D matrices for four traveler groups (academic personnel, administrative personnel, students and other), separately. Intersection surveys were also conducted on the same dates for calibration, which simply compared them with the counts obtained by assignment of the estimated O-D matrices were assigned in PTV VISUM. Furthermore, peak hour O-D matrices accounted for approximately 25% of the daily trips. Majority of the trips were between the parking lots and campus gates showing the main purpose of private car usage is to access the campus, not travel within the campus.
Conference Name
ACE 2014 - 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21 - 25 October 2014
Department of Civil Engineering, Conference / Seminar
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Citation Formats
O. Altıntaşı and H. Tüydeş Yaman, “Determination of origin destination matrix of METU campus travelers using RFİD data,” presented at the ACE 2014 - 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21 - 25 October 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: