Coordination with indirect messages in the Stag-Hunt game



Coordination with indirect messages in the stag-hunt game
Büyükboyacı Hanay, Mürüvvet İlknur; Küçükşenel, Serkan (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2017-8)
We theoretically investigate the effect of allowing one-sided communication with costless indirect messages on stag-hunt game outcomes. Since Heinemann et al. (2009) show that players who avoid risk also avoid strategic uncertainty, we chose a sender's level of risk aversion as the indirect message. We show that if both sender and receiver interpret the message content similarly, it is possible that they end up either on the risk-dominant or on the payoffdominant equilibrium. We also show that players i...
Costly Pre-Play Communication and Coordination in Stag-Hunt Games
Büyükboyacı Hanay, Mürüvvet İlknur; Küçükşenel, Serkan (2017-09-01)
In this paper, we experimentally investigate the impact of costly indirect and direct messages on coordination levels in a stag-hunt game. Three main insights emerge from our experiments. First, we find a significant decrease in message usage with message cost in both treatments and a higher decrease in the indirect-message treatment. Second, we find that although there is no significant effect of costless or costly indirect messages on the frequency of risky actions, both costless, and costly direct messag...
Consumer Responses to Toyota s Crisis Communication Tactics
Wasti Pamuksuz, Syeda Nazlı (2015-09-01)
The timing of particular crisis communication tactics and reactions to them in real life cases are relatively understudied. Using Toyota’s unintended acceleration problem during 2009- 2010, we investigate the effects on sales throughout the crisis period (24 months) of the categories of communication tactics used by Toyota. Toyota’s crisis communication tactics were determined through a content analysis of the related news articles in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and the sales data was ob...
Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games
Avşar, Zeynep Müge (1997-10-26)
For undiscounted two-person zero-sum communicating stochastic games with finite state and action spaces, a solution procedure is proposed that exploits the communication property, i.e., working with irreducible games over restricted strategy spaces. The proposed procedure gives the value of the communicating game with an arbitrarily small error when the value is independent of the initial state.
Trust and self-disclosure in the context of computer mediated communication
Erdost, Türküler; Öner Özkan, Bengi; Department of Psychology (2004)
This study was aimed to shed light on the effects of computer mediated communication on self-disclosure and trust which appear to be the two important concepts within interpersonal relations. To what extent the computer mediated communication differs from or similar to face-to-face communication in terms of trust and self-disclosure which play a key role in the establishment, development and maintenance of relationships was explored. Results were obtained from 100 people who participated in synchronous comm...
Citation Formats
M. İ. Büyükboyacı Hanay and S. Küçükşenel, “Coordination with indirect messages in the Stag-Hunt game,” METU Studies in Development, pp. 177–186, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: