Migration and Song



Migration – Globalisation - Mondialisation
Okyayuz, Mehmet (Wiener Verlag für Sozialforschung, 2014-07-01)
Migration, settlement and daily life patterns of syrian urban refugees through time geography: a case of Önder neighborhood, Ankara
Eraydın, Gülse; Işık, Oğuz; Department of City and Regional Planning (2017)
Turkey is one of the countries most affected by the Syrian international migration wave, which is one of the most controversial issues that affect most countries in the world. With this effect, many different disciplines have conducted research on Syrian refugees. However, it is observed that the majority of these researches are directed towards the refugees living in the camps, and there is a lack of research on the refugees who settled in the cities despite the increasing importance of urban refugee conce...
Migration and changing English language teacher profiles in Turkey
Bayyurt Kerestecioğlu, Yasemin; Erduyan, Işıl; Hatipoğlu, Çiler (null; 2018-07-05)
Göç ve Konut
Ersoy, Melih (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1991)
Bu araştırma, göçmenlerin, kentsel mekandaki devinim süreçleri içinde, konut çevresiyle bütünleşmelerini konu almaktadır. Ankara'nın ikiyüz kilometre kuzey batısında bir İç Anadolu kasabası olan, Çorum ilimize bağlı İskilip ilçe merkezi ile köylerinden Ankara'ya göç edenler arasında 1980 yılında yaptığımız bu alan çalışmasının bir özelliği, 1970 yılında yürütülen bir göç araştırmasının kapsam ve içeriği genişletilmiş bir devamı olmasıdır (Kapil ve Gençağa, 1972). 1970'de yürütülen ilk çalışma, İskilip ve ci...
Migration and regional convergence: An empirical investigation for Turkey
Kirdar, Murat G.; Saraçoğlu, Dürdane Şirin (Wiley, 2008-11-01)
The standard growth model predicts that allowing labour mobility across regions would increase the speed of convergence in per capita income levels and that migration has a negative causal impact on regional growth rates. Although the empirical literature has uncovered some evidence for the former implication, the latter has not been verified empirically. This paper provides empirical evidence for the negative causal impact of migration on provincial growth rates in a developing country with a high level of...
Citation Formats
S. T. Jassal, Migration and Song. 2006.