A study on development of prospective middle school teachers’ competence of posing mathematical literacy problems

Baran Saraç, Aniş Büşra
The current study aims to investigatecompetence ofprospective middle school mathematics teachers to generate mathematical literacy problems throughout a designed instruction. Participants of the study, who are three prospective teachers from a public university in Ankara, were selected via purposive sampling. Data of the study were collected in the spring semester of 2019-2020 academic year. Semi-structured interviews, mathematical literacy problems generated by the prospective teachers, open-ended questionnaire and field notes were used to collect the data throughout instructional units. The data which indicate the changes or developments in competence of prospective teachers to generate mathematical literacy problems were analyzed according to three mathematical literacy dimensions (mathematical process, mathematical content and contexts) defined in PISA 2012 mathematics framework (OECD, 2013). The findingsof the studydemonstrated that prospective teachers used more mathematical processes and mathematical contents in their mathematical literacy problems at the end of the study with respect to their initial problems written at the beginning of the study. Moreover, they constructed cognitively more complex mathematical literacy problems that require students to use multiple mathematical competencies in higher degrees at the end of the study. In addition to that, they constructed more proper real-life contexts in terms of the level of context use and authenticity in their final problems.


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Citation Formats
A. B. Baran Saraç, “A study on development of prospective middle school teachers’ competence of posing mathematical literacy problems,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.