Zeynep Yalman Yıldırım

Department of Industrial Design
Web of Science Researcher ID
Collaboration with NPOs in Industrial Design Education: A Study on Tutors’ Perspectives
Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep; Hasdoğan, Gülay Fatma (2021-12-27)
Non-profit organisation (NPO) collaboration in industrial design education enables tutors to bring real-life problems to the design education context. Only in recent years, good practices of NPO collaboration implemented i...
Ortak Mutfaklarda Sağlıklı Beslenme Alışkanlıklarını Destekleyen Esnek ve Uyarlanabilir Pişirme Platformu için Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Çözümleri Bahar 2020
Doğan, Çağla; Kruıthof, Aernout Reınıer; Turhan, Senem; Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep (ODTÜ, 2020-07-01)
The Role of User Research in Design Process in Product Design Education
Yavuz, Cemil; Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep (2017-08-01)
Building product usage scenario of products, building product-user relationship, thinking like users and empathizing with users are the most frequently encountered problems in project-based studio courses in current underg...
Public Space Furniture: Sitting Units in Shopping Malls' Waiting/Resting Areas
Kutbay, Nuriye Hande; Kesdi, Hatice Server; Yavuz, Cemil; Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep (2016-05-11)
Herkesin Kendisini Tasarımcı Gördüğü Bir Dünyada Tasarım ve Tasarımcı Olmak Üzerine
Yavuz, Cemil; Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep (2015-06-26)
Co-Design Practice in Industrial Design Education in Turkey A Participatory Design Project
Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep (2015-01-01)
The evolution in design research has shifted from a user-centered design approach to co-design approach. With co-designing, roles of designers and users have changed. In growing co-creation and co-design notions, user is s...
Darwinian Processes and Memes in Furniture Design in Turkey A Memetic Theory of IKEA Design
Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep (2014-10-01)
This paper aims to find answers to two questions whether we can apply Darwin’s natural selection process in other fields outside of biology such as; design or not. And whether we can explain the success of IKEA design in...
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