Türk, Cansu
Throughout the design process of a built environment, considering architecture and urban design separately and not associating them spatially cause the fundamental obstacle in integrating these fields. The thesis seeks to analyze the possibility of an alternative approach towards making of the city by emphasizing the spatial and typological features of architecture and focusing on the relation between the urban spaces and architecture. Besides, it highlights the value of benefiting from architectural precedents in the design process. In this regard, Plan Game invented by Colin Rowe, Bernhard Hoesli, Robert Slutzky, and John Hejduk in the 1950s in Texas University could offer such an alternative position, which has been studied limitedly yet in the field of architecture. Plan Game emphasizes the integration of spatial and typological qualities of architecture with the urban design process. By analyzing the techniques and content of the drawing, its actors, its context, and its pedagogical dimension, this thesis uncovers the Plan Game and discusses the possible contribution of this approach to urban and architectural researches. The thesis also analyzes three in-class exercises referencing Plan Game as a pedagogical reflection of this creative recombination approach: the studio assignment of Bernhard Hoesli at ETH Zurich, the Exquisite Conurbation exercise that Mark Morris continued for a semester at Cornell University, and the City of Composite Presence produced by two graduate students at Cornell University. Within the scope of the thesis, Plan Game Workshop Series was organized with the participation of faculty members, practicing architects, and graduate students to carry this valuable exercise to the contemporary discussion and observe diverse approaches towards the interaction between the architecture and urban spaces. Hence, the thesis discusses diverse aspects of Plan Game to uncover underlying ideas of the drawing and track the possible integration of this fictitious exercise to the architectural design studios as a pedagogical tool.


Sönmez, Büşra; Çalışkan, Olgu; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2022-8-31)
Although collage has been widely discussed as a design method in architecture and landscape architecture, the use of collage in urban design needs further discussion. Apart from being an art form and technique beyond the physical act of collage, as in the transition between “painting and sculpture”, collage has widespread use in visual arts, design, music, literature, and photography. While collage is taken further with modern painting, it also affects the perception of modernist space in architecture and u...
Analogical Models In Architecture And Urban Design
Abel, Chris (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1988)
In an earlier article, "Function of Tacit Knowing in Learning to Design!' (Abel, 1981c), I suggested that design researchers need to pay more attention to the way architects actually create their designs, rather than relying on the idealized models of design processes dreamed up by themselves. This article is intended to help fill that need, and outlines the major types of analogical models used by architects, together with some straightforward explanations of the main concepts involved. The assumptive phil...
The position of three-dimensional modeling and visualization techniques in industrial design education
COŞKUN, MERVE; Akiner, Dilem (2012-05-04)
The purpose of this research is to determine the position of three-dimensional modeling and digital visualization within the scope of concept and product development process in the undergraduate education in Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture Department of Industrial Design, designate the problems that the students encounter during the integration of these methods to the design process, and finally question how these methods can be incorporated into design education in order to influen...
Performative design thinking in architectural practice
Ataman, Cem; Gürsel Dino, İpek; Department of Architecture (2018)
During the last decades, the increasing need to ensure building performance during architectural design practices has led to highly interactive relations between architecture and various other disciplines, in which performance concepts are tightly integrated into the building design process. Computational tools supporting performative architectural design processes make this interdisciplinary integration possible. The critical consequence of the early consideration of performative principles and the collabo...
Performative design processes in architectural practices in Turkey: architects’ perception
Ataman, Cem; Gürsel Dino, İpek (2021-10-01)
During the last decades, the increasing need to ensure building performance during architectural design has led to highly interactive relations between architecture and various other disciplines, in which concepts of sustainability and building performance are tightly integrated into the design process. However, the adoption of these concepts in architectural practices and the recent advancements in the field have remained rather slow. This research aims to understand performative design (PD) in the context...
Citation Formats
C. Türk, “MAKING OF THE CITY: UNCOVERING THE PLAN GAME,” M.Arch. - Master of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, 2021.