Issue 2

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Volume Number
Editorial / Yazı Kurulu’ndan
Yazı Kurulu (Middle East Technical University, 2020)
Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin Yönetim Ve Üretim Yapısındaki Değişimin Mekansal Dönüşümüne Etkisi
AYCI, Hilal (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020-12)
Bu çalışma, AOÇ’nin yönetim ve üretim ilişkilerindeki değişimin mekana etkilerini ele almakta, ve bu değişiklikleri iktisadi siyasa süreçleri ile ilişkilendirerek değerlendirmeyi hedeflemektedir. AOÇ’nin mekansal dönüşümün...
A New Methodology For Analysis Of Spatial Interventions Towards Sustainability In Social Housing Regeneration – The Case Of Gyldenrisparken In Copenhagen
Bican, Nezih Burak (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020-12-30)
Housing settlements have been regenerated in recent decades across the world, particularly those built in Europe for social purposes in the post-war period. As unique sets of problems accumulate in each case, interventions...
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Son Dönemlerinde Antalya Kaleiçi Ve Çevresi
Dayar, Evren (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020-12-30)
Tanzimat Dönemi’nin arifesinde Antalya, surlarla kuşatılmış geleneksel bir Osmanlı kentiydi. Kentin ana yerleşim alanı, iki iç surla birbirinden ayrılan ve üç ayrı bölümden oluşan Kaleiçi idi. Tek bir dış kapı vasıtasıyla ...
A Computable Vitality: Tange’s Architectural System For Skopje
Tolunay Berber, Cansu; Özkar, Mine (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020-12-30)
The 1960s movement of Metabolism in architecture utilized, albeit critically, biological concepts and models for the design of built environments. The architects of the group recognized architectural products as incomplete...
İyileştiren Dokunuş: Kos [Adası], Roma Asklepion Tapınağı’na Kutsal Şifa Yolculuğu
Soyöz, Ufuk (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020-12-31)
Bu çalışma hayırsever Gaius Stertinius Xenophon’un milattan sonra birinci yüzyılda Kos Asklepios Tapınağı’nda inşa ettirdiği su anıtlarını anlatır. Xenophon Roma seyahati sonrasında, Asklepion’da var olan anıtları yeniden ...
Morphological Diversity Of Ancient Minarets Architecture In The Ziban Region (Algeria): The Question Of Form, Style And Character
Zerari, Sami; Sriti, Leila; Pace, Vincenzo (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020-12-31)
The minaret is one of the most powerful symbols of Islam in the world because of its role in the call to prayer (adhan). It is undoubtedly a signal of the presence of a mosque in human settlements throughout history. A min...
Same Language Different Dialects: Expression of the Modern Movement in Ankara and Kaunas
Armağan Doğan, Huriye (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020-12-31)
The Modern Movement in architecture was not expressed or understood in the same way all around the World, which created different dialects in the language it uses in architecture. Even though all the different variations h...
Architecture’s Struggle With Control: A Discussion About “Frankfurt Kitchen” And “Food Dispenser” Projects
Beşlioğlu, Bahar (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2020-12-30)
An opportunity to create a system of standards - namely, a disciplinary matrix - was a focal key point for Modern Architecture towards a systematic form of knowledge bestowed by the epistemology of scientific thinking. In ...
Evolution Of Turkish Movie Cluster: A Social Network Analysis Perspective
Beyhan, Burak; Erkılıç, Hakan (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2020-12-30)
The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the evolution of Turkish movie cluster in Istanbul via elaboration of, on the one hand, the development of social networks in Turkish cinema by analyzing the relationships bet...
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