On the BMY inequality on surfaces

In this paper, we are concerned with the relation between the ordinarity of surfaces of general type and the failure of the BMY inequality in positive characteristic. We consider semistable fibrations pi : S -> C where S is a smooth projective surface and C is a smooth projective curve. Using the exact sequence relating the locally exact differential forms on S, C, and S/C, we prove an inequality relating c(1)(2) and c(2) for ordinary surfaces which admit generically ordinary semistable fibrations. This inequality differs from the BMY inequality by a correcting term which vanishes if the fibration is ordinary.


Terzi, Sadık; Önsiper, M. Hurşit; Department of Mathematics (2022-2-10)
In the thesis, we are concerned with the relation between the ordinarity of surfaces of general type and the failure of the BMY inequality in positive characteristic. We consider semistable fibrations π : S −→ C where S is a smooth projective surface and C is a smooth projective curve. Using the exact sequence relating the locally exact differential forms on S, C, and S/C, we prove an inequality relating c21 and c2 for ordinary surfaces which admit generically ordinary semistable fibrations. This inequality...
On the Orthogonality of q-Classical Polynomials of the Hahn Class
Alvarez-Nodarse, Renato; Adiguzel, Rezan Sevinik; Taşeli, Hasan (2012-01-01)
The central idea behind this review article is to discuss in a unified sense the orthogonality of all possible polynomial solutions of the q-hypergeometric difference equation on a q-linear lattice by means of a qualitative analysis of the q-Pearson equation. To be more specific, a geometrical approach has been used by taking into account every possible rational form of the polynomial coefficients in the q-Pearson equation, together with various relative positions of their zeros, to describe a desired q-wei...
On lower bounds for incomplete character sums over finite fields
Özbudak, Ferruh (Elsevier BV, 1996-01-01)
The purpose of this paper is to extend results of Stepanov (1980; 1994) about lower bounds for incomplete character sums over a prime finite fieldFpto the case of arbitrary finite fieldFq.
Some Inequalities Between Pairs of Marginal and Joint Bayesian Lower Bounds
Bacharach, Lucien; Chaumette, Eric; Fritsche, Carsten; Orguner, Umut (2019-01-01)
In this paper, tightness relations (or inequalities) between Bayesian lower bounds (BLBs) on the mean-squared-error are derived which result from the marginalization of a joint probability density function (pdf) depending on both parameters of interest and extraneous or nuisance parameters. In particular, it is shown that for a large class of BLBs, the BLB derived from the marginal pdf is at least as tight as the corresponding BLB derived from the joint pdf. A Bayesian linear regression example is used to i...
Lifting fibrations on algebraic surfaces to characteristic zero
Kaya, Celalettin; Önsiper, Mustafa Hurşit; Department of Mathematics (2005)
In this thesis, we study the problem of lifting fibrations on surfaces in characteristic p, to characteristic zero. We restrict ourselves mainly to the case of natural fibrations on surfaces with Kodaira dimension -1 or 0. We determine whether such a fibration lifts to characteristic zero. Then, we try to find the smallest ring over which a lifting is possible. Finally,in some favourable cases, we compare the moduli of liftings of the fibration to the moduli of liftings of the surface under consideration.
Citation Formats
S. Terzi, “On the BMY inequality on surfaces,” COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, pp. 0–0, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/92443.