The development of Hegel’s immanent approach: ancient scepticism and the method of Phenomenology of Spirit

Aksoy, Barış Engin
This thesis tries to read ancient scepticism as a precedent of Hegel’s method in the Phenomenology of Spirit, and Hegel as the fulfillment of scepticism, as both the most radical form and overcoming or sublation of it. The intersection between Hegel’s Phenomenology and ancient scepticism is specifically located in the so-called Agrippan modes presented by Sextus Empiricus; what the thoroughly immanent procedure at work in these modes and Hegel’s procedure, in the Phenomenology, of measuring the shapes of consciousness with themselves share is the move of giving up an external notion of justification, not adopting an outsider position, not importing any external criteria into what is to be evaluated. The thesis also tries to show that the Phenomenology goes a step further than ancient scepticism in also giving up a notion of truth to which ancient scepticism ultimately remains tied and which leads to its famous “suspension of judgement.” And this extra step is connected to the Phenomenology’s recourse to the procedure of staging; not being content with purely conceptual elaboration, it forces different shapes of consciousness into staging themselves, exemplifying their claims and therefore exposes a dimension of them which would have stayed hidden otherwise: their truth.


The Embodiment of the individual self: a conceptualization of body in hegel’s phenomenology of spirit
Önder, Sevi Emek; Çırakman, Elif; Department of Philosophy (2018)
The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate and conceptualize the notion of “body” in the context of certain sections of the Phenomenology of Spirit. While investigating the notion of “body” in the thesis, my intention is to see the possibility of reading the Phenomenology as “the science of the embodiment of consciousness”. By relying on this approach, I will try to thematize and give a comprehensive account of the “body” in the “Consciousness” and “Self-Consciousness” sections of the Phenomenolog...
The thought of process in hegel and whitehead: Life and vitality
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Akkökler Karatekeli, Büşra; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2022-9)
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The visual formation of cartesian subject in modern metaphysics : a critique of Cogito philosophy
Ganioğlu, Zafer; Akçay, Ali Adnan; Department of Sociology (2006)
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The significance of time in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
Çifteci, Volkan; Çırakman, Elif; Department of Philosophy (2011)
The purpose of this thesis is to give an account of the significance of time in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason by discussing its role in the unification of sensibility and understanding. I primarily investigate the role that time plays in the constitution of objective knowledge. I discuss that since time is the necessary condition for objects to be given to our sensibility, without it any representation would be without a temporal order and perhaps would not make any sense at all. Kant claims that it is ima...
Citation Formats
B. E. Aksoy, “The development of Hegel’s immanent approach: ancient scepticism and the method of Phenomenology of Spirit,” M.A. - Master of Arts, Middle East Technical University, 2021.