The thought of process in hegel and whitehead: Life and vitality

Karaosmanoğlu, Toprak Seda
The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the thought of process in Hegel and Whitehead in the context of life and vitality. The concept of life has a special place for both Hegel and Whitehead. While for Whitehead, the situation of life in nature is the capital problem of philosophy and science, the concept of life serves as an analogy for Hegel’s own philosophical system, since it offers a model for thinking about development in general. The center of this study is the difficulty in unifying spirit and nature, in even more general terms, objective world and subjectivity. In this regard, this thesis will also focus on mechanism, dialectical logic, the mind-body problem and on what can be thought. The mind-body problem is actually an instance of the more general problem of “life-matter” which is related to whether biology can be completely reduced to physics without loss. Thus, this study will seek an answer to the question of what the vitality, life and organism are with regard to their processes of becoming or occurrence.


The development of Hegel’s immanent approach: ancient scepticism and the method of Phenomenology of Spirit
Aksoy, Barış Engin; Çırakman, Elif; Department of Philosophy (2021-9)
This thesis tries to read ancient scepticism as a precedent of Hegel’s method in the Phenomenology of Spirit, and Hegel as the fulfillment of scepticism, as both the most radical form and overcoming or sublation of it. The intersection between Hegel’s Phenomenology and ancient scepticism is specifically located in the so-called Agrippan modes presented by Sextus Empiricus; what the thoroughly immanent procedure at work in these modes and Hegel’s procedure, in the Phenomenology, of measuring the shapes of co...
The value of sociability in Rousseau, Hegel, and Nietzsche
Karatekeli, Emre; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2021-5)
This thesis investigates the political philosophies of Rousseau, Hegel, and Nietzsche, as regards the relation between sociability and freedom. Firstly, I argue that Rousseau’s fundamental view undergoes a drastic shift in that while in the Second Discourse he regards the human being as essentially individualistic, in the Social Contract he dismisses egoism and argues for the establishment of sociability in the name of general will to materialise human freedom. Secondly, I discuss how Hegel proves the neces...
Akkökler Karatekeli, Büşra; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2022-9)
This thesis investigates the concept of akrasia, with particular attention given to its sundry interpretations in the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics. In this inquiry, I argue that these philosophers agree on the lack of knowledge of the akratic person, while they differentiate from each other as to what this missing knowledge is. Irrespective of their rejection or acknowledgement of akrasia due to their conceptions of the soul, I argue that Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics share the common ...
The concept of self in the context of the "despisers of the body" alluded in nietzsche's thus spoke zarathustra
Yazıcı, Irmak; İnam, Ahmet; Department of Philosophy (2008)
This thesis analyses the concept of self with respect to Nietzsche’s (1844- 1900) implications on the “despisers of the body” in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche’s exposition of the self as a varying multiplicity neither within nor out of the body is the basic assumption of this dissertation. In this sense, the place of Nietzschean self considering the evolution of the concept of self through history will be analyzed. The concept of ego (subject) will be discussed as Nietzsche’s critique of the so-called m...
Ülker, Cenk; Karademir, Aret; Department of Philosophy (2022-12)
The question of whether Foucault can be considered a structuralist or a poststructuralist philosopher has led to various interpretations among Foucault scholars. On the one hand, the Foucault scholars reading his archaeological method from a poststructuralist perspective argue that Foucault aimed to diagnose the present from the beginning of his archaeological period in order to understand what the present day is. On the other hand, some argue that Foucault cannot be called a structuralist because he is con...
Citation Formats
T. S. Karaosmanoğlu, “The thought of process in hegel and whitehead: Life and vitality,” M.A. - Master of Arts, Middle East Technical University, 2020.