Latin Amerika’da Bağımlılıktan Neoliberal Yeni-Kalkınmacılığa Kriz Dinamikleri



Latin Amerika'da Bağımlılıktan Neoliberal Yeni-Kalkınmacılığa Kriz Dinamikleri
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin (İletişim Yayınevi, 2021-07-01)
Latin Amerika da Yerelleşme Politikaları
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin (2006-08-01)
Sexual labour and the reproduction of capital in Northern Cyprus
Kumi, Rebecca; Bryant, Rebecca; Political Science and International Relations (2012-8)
The general purpose of this thesis is to provide a gendered analysis of the ways in which States use their power to facilitate and promote accumulation, specifically primitive accumulation. I will seek to demonstrate in this study that women, classed and racialised, and especially those migrating within the neo-liberal global political economy are exploited not only through the classical alienation of their labour, but from the application of the additional extra-economic power of patriarchy and the to...
Brezilya’da Sağ Siyasetin Yeni Mücadele Mecrası: Yüksek Yargı
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin (BirGün Gazetesi, 2018-11-01)
Sol partilerin, sendikaların güçsüzleştirilmesiyle birlikte işçi sınıfının örgütsüzlüğünün yerini din almaya başlıyor. Evangelizm kitleleri bir araya getiren en önemli merkez haline geliyor
Drug-related violence in mexico: a case of failed state?
Dursun, Ayşegül; Aytekin, Attila E.; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2020)
This thesis focuses on accelerating drug-related violence in Mexico since the early 2000s which has pushed Mexico into arguments around the concept of “failed state” which does not provide a sufficient basis for explaining the violence and security issues in Mexico. In this thesis, the term “failed state” has been described in order to reveal its origin, present critics on it and understand why Mexico has become a subject of this discourse by briefing Latin America history from colonial period to today in t...
Citation Formats
A. Topal Yılmaz, Latin Amerika’da Bağımlılıktan Neoliberal Yeni-Kalkınmacılığa Kriz Dinamikleri. 2020.