Parkur Sporu; Eğitimde Yeni Bir Araç

IV. Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Dance Congress


Analysis of human factors and procedural failures in landscaping and horticultural services using HAZOP
Sarıöz Ağca, İpek; Parlaktuna, Mahmut; Department of Occupational Health and Safety (2019)
There are many activities carried out in parks, gardens, and other green fields of municipalities. Since these green fields are public areas, both employees and passers-by are confronting with hazards and risks of the performed activities. Therefore, it becomes even more important to determine the risks that may arise and take precautions. Landscaping and horticultural services include mostly human-driven activities than automated ones. The main objective of this study is to analyze human factors and proced...
Egzersiz Parkları Kullanım Biçimlerinin İncelenmesi: Kavaklık Parkı Örneği
Karahanoğlu, Armağan; Öztoprak, Aydın; Gürdere Akdur, Selin (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi; 2016)
Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi, ülkemizde de fiziksel aktivite ve egzersiz oranı düşmekte, obez insanların sayısı artmaktadır. Son yıllarda artan ücretli spor salonları ile insanların bilinçli biçimde spor yapmasına olanak sağlanmaktadır. Egzersiz alışkanlıklarının daha geniş kitlelere ulaşmasını sağlamak amacıyla, açık alan egzersiz parkları geliştirilmiş ve yerel idareler tarafından yaygın hale getirilmiştir. Ülkemizdeki sosyo-ekonomik durum da göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, spor salonlarına ücret ödemeden egzers...
Effects of scuba diving on middle ear pressure
Özyurt, Deniz; Korkusuz, Feza; Department of Physical Education and Sports (2006)
Since; the self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) was developed; the growth in the recreational diving population leaded an increase in diving-related injuries, mostly about the ear barotraumas. Previous findings show that inexperienced divers are more predisposed to ear barotraumas. This study was performed to see the dive related alterations of the middle ear pressure and the compliance of the tympanic membrane due to experience (experienced - skin divers and/or underwater rugby players and...
Effects of eccentric hamstring training on lower extremity strength and landing kinetics in female recreational athletes
Salcı, Yaşar; Korkusuz, Feza; Department of Physical Education and Sports (2008)
The purpose of this study was to display increase in eccentric hamstring strength after 10-weeks training program. Secondly, if such an increase occurred, would this strength change result in altered landing kinetics and improved jumping performance? 27 recreational female athletes assigned into experimental (n = 14) and control (n = 13) groups. Baseline measures of landing kinetics were collected using a force plate, strength data and proprioceptive measurements were evaluated using an isokinetic dynamomet...
Phase validation of neurotoxic animal models of Parkinson's disease
Telkes, İlknur; Jakubowska Doğru, Ewa; Department of Medical Informatics (2012)
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic nigral neurons and striatal dopamine resulting in serious motor deficits but also some non-motor anomalies. Animal models of human neurodegenerative diseases are essential for better understanding their pathogenesis and developing efficient therapeutic tools. There are many different PD models, however, none of them is fully reproducing all the symptoms of the disease. In addition, different investigators use different behavio...
Citation Formats
O. Yolcu, I. Hürmeriç Altunsöz, and M. L. İnce, “Parkur Sporu; Eğitimde Yeni Bir Araç,” presented at the IV. Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Dance Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: