Çeşitli pestisitlerin önemli su ürünleri ve dolayısıyla insan sağlığı üzerindeki zehirleyici etkilerinin test tüpündeki tetkiki

Başol, M.s.
Eren, S.
Sadar, M.h.


Screening for antioxidant activities of several medicinal plant extracts and their effects on glutathione-s-transferase activity
Sağdıçoğlu Celep, Adviye Gülçin; Çoruh, Nursen; Department of Biochemistry (2005)
The consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants are known to be associated with a long life span and low incidence of oxidative stress related diseases such as Alzheimer̕s, Parkinson̕s, cancer, aging and cardiovascular diseases. Fitotherapeutic effects of medicinal plants is virtually attributable to their phenolic compounds with low cytotoxicity. In this study, plants used in Anatolian folk medicine for their effects such as antiinflammatory, antiulcer, antipyretic, fertility, analgesic a...
Molecular investigation of the effects of antioxidants on rat brain tissues
Akkaş, Sara Banu; Severcan, Feride; Department of Biological Sciences (2003)
The brain is highly susceptible to free radical damage since it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and consumes very high amounts of oxygen. In this study, the effects on rat brain tissue of several antioxidants, namely lipoic acid, vitamin E and melatonin, were examined as the control studies of further research, in which their ability to protect the rat brain tissue from oxidative stress will be investigated. The tool of investigation selected was Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) because...
Fundamentals of a metal surface imaging system based on laser-optic principles
Bektaş, Murat; Altan, Hakan; Department of Physics (2009)
The confocal laser-scanning microscope (CLSM), known simply as a confocal microscope, is an important instrument which allows us to observe an object or a surface in three-dimensions with confocal microcopy technique. The basic difference of confocal microscopy is detecting the in- focused light, while the out of focus light is blocked out by the help of a pinhole. By this optical dissection ability of confocal microcopy, CLSM provides the images of investigated object or the surface with higher resolution ...
Comparison of multi-phase interleaved boost converters with various coupled inductor topologies
Gökmen, Raşit; Bostancı, Emine; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2022-2)
Multi-phase interleaved boost converters are widely used in high power applications thanks to their high efficiency, high power density, increased output power capability and low input current ripple features. However, increasing the phase number results in an increase in the overall volume of the converter. In order to reduce the volume of the converter, inductors in multi-phase interleaved boost converters can be coupled. For a two-phase interleaved boost converter, loosely-coupled inductor (LCI), close-c...
Sinter-hardening studies distaloy DH powders with varying carbon contents
Kılıç, Gülten; Ögel, Bilgehan; Durlu, Nuri; Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (2013)
In this study, the effect of sinter-hardening on the mechanical properties of Distaloy DH (Fe-2Cu-1.5Mo) powder with 0.4%, 0.6%, and 0,8% graphite additions, was investigated. Powder samples were pressed under 600 MPa, and sintered at 1120°C under endogas from methane for 20 minutes in an industrial sintering furnace. After sintering the samples were cooled with three different cooling rates (0.5°C/sec,1.5°C/sec, and 3°C/sec). Microstructural characterization of samples were done with optical and electron m...
Citation Formats
M. s. Başol, S. Eren, and M. h. Sadar, “Çeşitli pestisitlerin önemli su ürünleri ve dolayısıyla insan sağlığı üzerindeki zehirleyici etkilerinin test tüpündeki tetkiki,” 1982. Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/95605.