Koyun karaciğerinden L-tipi piruvat kinazın saflaştırılması ve kinetik özelliklerinin incelenmesi

Kayrın, Levent
Özer, İnci Şule


Sheep liver microsomal flavin-monooxygenases: characterization and effect of some modulators
Demirdöğen Can, Birsen; Adalı, Orhan; Department of Biochemistry (2002)
The flavin-containing monooxygenases (also called flavin-monooxygenases and abbreviated to FMO; E.C.I. 14.13.8) catalyze the NADPH and oxygen-dependent oxidation of a wide range of nucleophilic nitrogen-, sulfur-, phosphorus-, and selenium heteroatom-containing chemicals, drugs, and agricultural agents. FMOs have been found in various organisms from bacteria to humans and five mammalian FMO genes have been identified, FM01-FM05. Sheep liver microsomal FMO enzyme activity was characterized using methimazole ...
Koyun karaciğer ve akciğer mikrozomal anilin 4-hidroksilaz enziminin karakterize edilmesi
Arınç, Emel; İşcan, Mesude(1980)
Genetic diversity of sheep breeds focusing on conservation research in turkey
Açan, Sinan Can; Togan, İnci Zehra; Öktem, Hüseyin Avni; Department of Biology (2012)
In the first part of the present study, samples of 13 native Turkish sheep breeds (n=628) were examined, individually and comparatively, with respect to their 19 microsatellite loci to characterize them by employing various statistical analyses. Low FST values, high mean number of alleles and allelic richness as well as results of Factorial Correspondence Analysis and Structure analyses showed the degree of admixture between native sheep breeds of Turkey, IVE and SAK were observed as the most distincts of t...
Koyunlarda gebelik öncesi, gebelik ve laktasyon dönemlerinde idrar, kan ve sütte orotik asit, üre ve amonyak miktarlarının belirtilmesi üzerinde araştırma
Gülen, Şendoğan; Özgen, Hümeyra(1977-03-15)
Araştırmada kullanılan 10 adet Karacabey merinos koyunundan gebelik öncesi 2, gebelik doneminde 6 ve laktasyonda 6 kez olmak uzere toplam 14 adet kan ve idrar örnekleri alinmiş ve bu örnekler üre, amonyak ve orotik asit bakimından analiz edilmiştir. Laktasyon doneminde ise içerisinde 10 kez süt örnekleri alinmış ve sütte orotik asit miktarı saptanmiştır. İdrarda amonyak miktari gebelik öncesinde 7.017 mg/100 ml, gebelikte 763 mg/100 ml ve laktasyonda 15.401 Mg/100 ml olarak tesb...
Acoustical analysis and design of horn type loudspeakers
Ünal, Ayhun; Çalışkan, Mehmet; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2006)
Computer aided auto-construction of various types of folded horns and acoustic analysis of coupled horn and driver systems are presented in this thesis. A new procedure is developed for auto construction of folded horn shapes. Linear graph modeling technique is employed for specification of horn driver output in terms of diaphragm velocity or throat pressure. In the final phase of the design procedure, acoustic analysis of folded horns is carried by means of finite element analysis. A commercial software pa...
Citation Formats
L. Kayrın and İ. Ş. Özer, “Koyun karaciğerinden L-tipi piruvat kinazın saflaştırılması ve kinetik özelliklerinin incelenmesi,” 1984. Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/95658.