Making the Invisible Visible: Presenting urban archaeology in Tarsus

International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies


Making The Modern City Visible: A Study on Montage, Collage and Photomontage
Öztürk, Elif Ezgi; Kömez Dağlıoğlu, Esin; İnan Çınar, Afet Derin; Department of Architecture (2022-2-10)
The modern city is formed through the collision of social, cultural, economic, political, artistic, and architectural layers that are heterogenous, temporal, and multiple. The collision of these layers results in the emergence of complexities and contradictions. The complexities and contradictions of the modern city make its visual, experiential, and spatial attributes invisible, imperceptible and unproducible. In this context, reading, understanding, and reproducing the modern city requires a critical meth...
Making sense of a rising China: perspectives from China and Anglo-America
Demir, Emr; Göçer Akder, Derya; Department of International Relations (2019)
China’s rapidly ascending status in the world order has sparked an intense debate among the contributors from diverse disciplines of social sciences from economics to politics. Most of these contributions, including the ones in the field of IR, have focused mainly on a single aspect of China’s transformation rather than analysing it from a number of facets. Furthermore, these studies have analysed China from their respective standpoints originating from their locations in the core-periphery structure of the...
Making the secular through the body: tattooing the Father Turk
Erim, Irmak Bilun; Yıldırım, Erdoğan; Department of Sociology (2011)
This thesis examines the recent phenomenon of Atatürk’s tattoos through a twofold theoretical framework of body politics and secularism. Firstly, it examines the growing interest on the body in social sciences, which has focused on the body as a site of both docility and subversivity. Additionally, the body has been rediscovered as a fetish object through which selfhood and subjectivity are continually reconstructed and contested. These developments were simultaneously conditioned by and manifested themselv...
Making The Second Nature: Towards A Critique Of Cultural Politics In Urban Perception - The USA Context, 1850-1940s
Sargın, Güven Arif (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2011)
Çevresel dönüşüm gerçekte, doğa ve kültür arasında sürekliliği olan şiddetli bir gerilime işaret eder; bir diğer deyişle, toplumsal fayda adına birinci doğanın siyasi bir program ve ideolojik araçlar vasıtasıyla üretimi, bir tür çatışma anlamına gelir ve bu, Marks’ın ikinci doğa tanımıyla örtüşür. Burada özellikle altı çizilmesi gereken olgu, kentleşmenin, doğa ve kültür arasında süregelen mücadelenin hem öznesi hem de nesnesi konumunda olduğudur. Yazımız bu noktada, yukarıda özetlediğimiz kuramsal çerçevey...
Making Community and Place: Commonalities and Contrasts in the Work of Daniel Kemmis and Christopher Alexander
Seamon, David (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2006)
This article examines the theories of community and urban design proposed by architect Christopher Alexander and political thinker Daniel Kemmis. I argue that Kemmis, in his vision of the good city, sees urban healing fostered largely through civil discourse among citizens and politicians. In contrast, Alexander argues that, before any such discourse can begin, there must first be a basic understanding as to what environmental wholeness is and how it can be strengthened or stymied by qualities of physical d...
Citation Formats
P. Aykaç Leıdholm, “Making the Invisible Visible: Presenting urban archaeology in Tarsus,” presented at the International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Viyana, Avusturya, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: