Modelling and Control of 3D Flapping Flight

Çalış, Özgün
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This thesis presents aerodynamic modelling, dynamical modelling and control studies on a flapping-wing micro air vehicle flight. The wing morphology and kinematics of nature flyers are investigated, and an aerodynamic model is created based on quasi-steady estimations and blade element theory. The model in question calculates the aerodynamic forces and pitching moment created by the flapping motion in a much shorter time than the alternating techniques, making it usable during control simulations. This model is used for realizing different flapping-wing micro air vehicles control simulations. The employability of the linear control methods such as linear quadratic regulator, and the coefficient diagram method, are tested in 2D longitudinal flight considering ideal actuator models. The 3D flight is controlled with active disturbance rejection controller by including realistic motor models and uncertainties at the wing model. Central pattern generators, biological neural networks responsible for generating rhythmic motions, are studied to achieve a bio-inspired control. A central pattern generator model is implemented into an active disturbance rejection controller based controller, bringing agility to the future bioinspired flapping-wing micro air vehicles during obstacle and danger avoidance.


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Citation Formats
Ö. Çalış, “Modelling and Control of 3D Flapping Flight,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.