Mimarlık ve İdeoloji Söyleşileri I



Mimarlık ve Peyzaj: Eğitime Dair Kesitler, Vaatler
Baş Bütüner, Funda; Güneri Söğüt, Gizem Deniz (2022-12-01)
Mimarlık Pratiğinde Nerede Ayrı/Aykırı Düştük
Sargın, Güven Arif (yort, 2020-04-01)
Mimarlık Mesleğinin Geleceği
Güzer, Celal Abdi (2015-01-30)
An Ontological inquiry on potentials of criticality and conceptualization of program in architecture
Kızıl, Sinan Cem; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2017)
The relation between architecture and social change is one of the key themes in historical discourse of architectural theory. The tradition of criticality has been consolidated after enlightenment and it caused distrust towards norms of architecture. Even though this tradition of criticality eventually turns to its roots and criticises the ideals of enlightenment in postmodern discourses, it is clear that namely postmodern architectures still subjected to criticism similar to their modernist predecessors. I...
Mimarlıkta Yenilik Kavramının Sınırları: ”Bir Araştırma ve Eleştiri Süreci” Olarak Tasarım
Güzer, Celal Abdi (Beykent Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017-01-01)
Citation Formats
G. A. Sargın, Mimarlık ve İdeoloji Söyleşileri I. 2007.