Kösegil, Ekin
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed daily eating habits. This dissertation aims to investigate attitudes, meanings, and beliefs related to food and healthy eating and their relationship with healthy eating behavior in the pandemic context. This dissertation uses a mixed methodology approach consisting of a qualitative and quantitative study. Study 1 aims to identify the contents and thematic structure of social representations of food and healthy eating during the Covid-19 pandemic. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 participants. The qualitative analysis identified eleven themes: “Eating is a pleasure for me”, “Food is primarily a necessity”, “Food in the social order”, “Traditional food culture”, “Development of food preferences”, “Healthy eating”, “Unhealthy eating”, “Food is central to human biology”, “Natural food is healthy”, “Changes in diet due to pandemic Conditions”, “Changes in diet to protect against Covid-19”. Study 2 applies the theory of planned behavior to identify predictors of healthy eating behavior during the pandemic. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Fit indices showed close fit, namely theory of planned behavior model well explained healthy eating behavior in the pandemic context. All hypothesized relationships between latent variables except the path from the subjective norm to intention were significant. Perceived behavioral control and control beliefs were significantly associated with healthy eating behavior during the pandemic. As much as individuals believe in their capability to eat healthily and have internal or external resources that facilitate healthy eating, they will be more likely to eat healthy in the pandemic context.


Grief During the Pandemic: The Experiences of Individuals Unable to Fulfill Their Religious and Cultural Rituals
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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to many deaths worldwide. Various restrictions and quarantines have been declared to control the number of deaths from the pandemic. Individuals have faced many changes in their daily and social lives due to these restrictions and quarantines. They have also been unable to fulfill their religious and cultural rituals following the experienced losses. The literature has discussed how performing religious and cultural rituals after a loss positively affects the mourning process. ...
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© 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Objective: The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in major changes in daily life and economic conditions while heightening physical and mental health problems, including health anxiety. Health authorities and elected officials have encouraged individuals to engage in health behaviors. Perceptions of and reactions to these changes could be subject to individual differences. In this line, the current study investigated the predictive roles of health promoting behavi...
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Erden, Nazif Kutay; Sarı Arasıl, Ayşe Berna (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2022-6)
COVID-19 virüsü tüm dünyayı hızla etkisi altına almıştır. Dünya çapında çeşitli karantinalar uygulanmış, insanların zorunlu durumlar haricinde evlerinden çıkmamaları, maske ve mesafe kavramlarına dikkat etmeleri için kesin kurallar konulmuştur. Alışılagelmiş davranış dinamiklerinin dışına çıkmak zorunda kalan bireylerde çeşitli duygu ve davranış değişiklikleri görülebilir. Dolayısıyla COVID-19 küresel salgını yalnızca fiziksel iyi oluş için değil mental iyi oluş için de bir risk faktörü oluşturabilir. Salgı...
How can we improve foodborne disease surveillance systems: A comparison through EU and US systems
Yenı, F.; Acar, Sibel; Soyer, Yeşim; Alpas, Hami (2017-01-01)
Foodborne diseases remain a major threat to global public health. Problems in detecting the threats at early stages in the supply chain due to defects in surveillance systems cannot be ignored. The primary goal of this article is to evaluate the capabilities of foodborne disease surveillance systems known for their effectiveness and functionality in order to highlight solutions for preventing and managing the outbreaks more effectively. For this purpose, early detection, notification and monitoring systems ...
Citation Formats
E. Kösegil, “SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF FOOD AND HEALTHY EATING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2022.