This thesis scrutinizes migrations from the Crimea and the Caucasus to the Balkans between 1860 and 1865 using documents from Ottoman archives and newspapers of the period. The intensity of the migration movement that occurred after the Crimean War fluctuated in the years that followed. The migration movement reached its peak in 1864 after the decision of mass exile of the Russians for the Caucasian peoples. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the reasons for these migration movements, how the migration process progressed, what kind of policy the Ottoman Empire followed in the Balkans, how these policies changed during the studied period, and what problems the state and migrants faced during and after the settlement. As a result of the studies carried out within the scope of this purpose, it has been revealed that the Ottoman Empire did not have a regular policy about immigrants, adopted a different settlement policy in the Balkans than in Anatolia, and faced health, security, and slavery problems during the settlement.


The interplay between Turkish and Hungarian nationalism : Ottoman pan-Turkism and Hungarian turanism (1890-1918)
Oğuz, Alaattin; Tokluoğlu, Ayşe Ceylan; Department of Sociology (2005)
This thesis dealt with the issues of the emergence of Pan-Turkism in Ottoman Empire and of Pan-Turanism in Hungary between the years 1890 and 1920. The theoretical discussion and literature review related to the subject exhibited that these two nationalisms were possible only when a state bureaucrats and intellectuals try to save the state from collapse and make discussions on the national issues, or when a state elites and noble classes aim to use national ideology for protecting the state from external th...
Bir Rumeli Kentinin Modernleşmesi: Üsküp 1839-1912
Bektaş, Gönül (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020)
Bu yazıda, 1839 Tanzimat Fermanı sonrasında, Balkan yarımadasının merkezinde bulunan Üsküp kentinin modernleşme sürecini incelenmektedir. Yazı kentin gelişmesini ve fiziksel değişim aşamalarını konu almaktadır. Yazıda önce Tanzimat Reformları’nın getirdiği yeniliklerin, Üsküp’ün toplum yapısını ne ölçüde etkilediği ve değişmenin ne yönde olduğu incelenmiş, bu bağlamda tarihsel, sosyo-ekonomik ve siyasal yapının değişimi ayrıntılı bir biçimde irdelenmiştir. Ardından, Üsküp’ün mekânsalyapısını değiştiren bu o...
The effects of tanzimat and origins of political conflict between the Armenian and Kurdish communities in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1876
Özdemir, Fatih; Boztemur, Recep; Department of History (2006)
This thesis, depending on some Ottoman archival documents, examines the effects of the Tanzimat reforms on the Ottoman Armenians and Kurds and the origins of the conflicts amongst these communities in the Ottoman Empire. The reforms initiated in the Tanzimat era had such a transformative effect both on the Ottoman Armenian and Kurdish societies that social, political and economic structures of the two communities changed radically. Due to the effects of the Tanzimat reforms and of these structural changes, ...
Reconsidering the annexation of the Sanjak of Alexandretta through local narratives
Matkap, Sıtkıye; Şeker, Nesim; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2009)
The main aim of this thesis is to examine the history of Sanjak of Alexandretta in the Turkish nationalist historiography. In this respect, it is important to comprehend how this region as a territory was tried to present as a homeland with ethnic-nationalist connotations and idioms through the discipline of history by Kemalist nationalists in the late of 1930s. Thus, in order to pay attention to the process of annexation of the region into Turkey requires focusing on how and by whom this nationalist histor...
The return and resettlement of the relocated Armenians
Günaydın, Adem; Turan, Ömer; Department of Middle East Studies (2007)
This thesis analyses the return of the relocated Armenians and resettlement of them in former their hometowns between the years 1918 and 1920, with special reference to the relative archival materials. Upon the permission given for their return on the last days of the World War I, most of the relocated Armenians did return either with the help of the Ottoman government or by their own means. The first chapter of the thesis is devoted to the preliminary developments which were influential in taking of the re...
Citation Formats
M. ÇETİNKAYA, “MIGRATIONS FROM THE CRIMEA AND CAUCASUS TO THE BALKANS (1860-1865),” M.A. - Master of Arts, Middle East Technical University, 2022.