Correlation Loss: Enforcing Correlation Between Classification and Localization in Object Detection

Kahraman, Fehmi
Object detectors are conventionally trained by a weighted sum of classification and localization losses. Recent studies (e.g., predicting IoU with an auxiliary head, Gen eralized Focal Loss, Rank & Sort Loss) have shown that forcing these two loss terms to interact with each other in non-conventional ways creates a useful inductive bias and improves performance. Inspired by these works, we focus on the correlation be tween classification and localization and make two main contributions in this thesis: (i) We provide an analysis about the effects of correlation between classification and localization tasks in object detectors. We identify why correlation affects the perfor mance of various NMS-based and NMS-free detectors, and we devise performance measures to evaluate the effect of correlation and use them to analyze common detec tors. (ii) Motivated by our observations, e.g., that NMS-free detectors can also benefit from correlation, we propose Correlation Loss, a novel plug-in loss function that im proves the performance of various object detectors by directly optimizing correlation coefficients: E.g., Correlation Loss on Sparse R-CNN, an NMS-free method, yields 1.6 AP gain on COCO dataset. Our best model on Sparse R-CNN reaches 51.0 AP without test-time augmentation on COCO test-dev, reaching state-of-the-art.


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Citation Formats
F. Kahraman, “Correlation Loss: Enforcing Correlation Between Classification and Localization in Object Detection,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.